There is no excuse for your not maximizing your looks potential!

facial hairWell as always, the dumb virgins have taking the looks money and status youtube video and are going crazy, some of them talking plastic surgery. Anyways, my freaking goal was to inspire people to look their best, but of course, the fappers are going wild. I think a lot of you do not understand that I am kind of ugly, but I have done the best to try to max my looks (and whatever my looks are even if you think I am ugly, is working for me). To illustrate I will take the biggest incel/loser ( Involuntary celibacy is chronic near-total or total absence in a person’s sexuality of intimate relationships or sexual intercourse for reasons other than voluntary celibacy, asexuality, antisexualism, or sexual abstinence. It is the psycho-social opposite of having a sex life) that I could find with pics and videos on and I will transform him. By the way the dude in the example looks way better than when I started.

So lets take this incel in this picture (again he looks way better than me when I started):


janza 2



And lets look at him in motion:


First the dude is TALL and WHITE (least polarizing race)  but:


Bad hair cut

bad style

bad posture

bad body language

no facial hair

body fat at least 25% (skinny fat)

others :Studders, Nervous, Avoidance of eye contact, Twitches, Insecure movements, anxiety

^ everything that you notice CAN BE FIX IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS.

Now lets make a photoshop transformation if he follow all of the advise THAT I GIVE IN THIS BLOG:



^ masculine look that would get him laid (if he follows my advise in the blog when it comes to fitness, body fat etc… etc…), again sorry about the weird beard, but you guys get the point.  So your excuses are your excuses, suck on my left nut, and stop with the victim crap.



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