They call me Latin Diesel because of my resemblance to The Actor “Vin Diesel”. I am also known in the underground community of PUA’S (Pick Up Artists) as Skills*. I have been doing dance floor game SUCCESSFULLY for almost two decades.
About ten years ago, as a joke, while in Barnes And Noble my girlfriend at the time showed me the book “The Game” by Neil Strauss. Out of curiosity I joined the Secret Society Of Seducers. I was very exited that there were other seducers like me in the world that got together to discuss pick-up. Unfortunately, as a natural i did not fit in. I could not relate to most of the mental masturbation and meaningless crap that was constantly posted in the PUA forums. Most of the ideas and techniques were kind of weak and counterproductive. Worst was all the bad advice when it came to dance floor/club game.
I started posting and giving my opinion on seduction, especially on dance floor game. I gained a small group of followers that encouraged me to share my ideas and my unique style. I got very curious about what was being taught in the community by the gurus when it came to dance floor game. My discoveries were shocking; most of the gurus avoided or did not cover the topic and advised against dance floor game, calling it a “trap”. But that did not stop me! I really wanted to keep digging to see if there were community guys doing or teaching dance floor game. I found some, but their techniques and game were extremely weak, their advice was vague and they lacked the experience (worst, they were not true naturals).
I decided to take it upon myself to teach what is effective, efficient and what really works in a way that is easy to understand. Unfortunately, as a natural, it was very difficult for me to learn how to break down interactions in simple steps between men and women like pick up artists do. I spent a year and a half reading every piece of seduction material out there with the goal to learn how to break down game in simple terms. The result was a compilation of two decades of interaction seducing women on the dance floor, as well as some fundamentals of regular game, from different seducers and gurus, that apply to dance floor game in a book called: “Secrets Of Dance Floor Seduction” (The skills method.)
*A skill is the capacity to carry out pre-determined results often with minimum outlay of time, energy or both.
Venusian Arts Joint Venture Proposal
I’m Andrew, the affiliate manager over here at the Venusian Arts (aka Mystery Method). I see you have a pretty impressive highly ranked site here at and was wondering if you’d be interested in a joint venture that would be beneficial to you financially as well as adding value to all your website visitors.
I see you have a dating product review section and would love to opportunity to be listed
along with a review. We can offer you our top product Revelation by Mystery completely complimentary to see if you feel its a good fit.
If your interested or want more details on how we could possibly work
together now and in the future, please send me back your skype username when you have a moment and we’ll chat briefly to see if there’s a fit.
Andrew Skarvada
Thanks for the offer, but my philosophy is fast seduction which is not in sync with Venusian arts philosophy.
I love you for this, skills
love you too, whoever you are! no homo…
Hey Skills,
Bought your book about a month ago, and I have to say I really enjoy it. Everything you’ve discussed such as leading the girl to dance has taught me a lot, especially now since I point at girls and dance with them which works like no other for some reason.
Are you going to make another book in the future? I’d like to know if there’s anything else you’ve been observing. If so you should definitely hit me up. I’d love to help contribute to your book in any way I can.
Thanks I am glad you enjoyed it, make sure you follow the blog and youtube videos for other stuff that I see in the clubs., I may do a book on sexting, with a lot of my meet to lay via sexting, I want to show the community that you do not need to text for the meet, that you could text for sexual encounters. I am still arguing with people about that. Well, if there is something you want to contribute send it man and i will give you credit(as long as it helps guys get laid faster), i would appreciate if you would do a review on amazon…
One thing I’m noticing while going to the club is that girls look for an excuse to grab you. Some of the accessories that I wear, such as my light-up tie, are always being grabbed and touched by girls. This may be an easy excuse for girls to go up to you and give you IOIs, sort of like plausible deniability. I’m gonna keep experimenting with this, but in the meantime that’s all I’ve got (By the way, hope you like my review).
– Gong
I did a video of items and things that call attention and get you open in the clubs, check it out, for what i have seen dancing and hats work well.
Gong wooww! you did the best review so far, thanks dude!I appreciate it!
I am Leo Preston. I am a guest blog writer and already wrote lots of article in various sites. I am expert in writing various niches, like technology, business, home improvement etc. I found your site address from google search and visit your site. I found that you are allowing guest post for your site. I am interested to post an article to your site. My articles are related to real estate, property buying and below are the titles
Five things to do to sell your home fast
Should you really use consultants for your business?
My articles are 700+ word and informative. I hope your readers will find something interesting to my article. I am not a spammer and I never send you any spun article for your site.
I hope I will get an opportunity to write an article to your site. I am waiting for your reply.
Leo Preston
Hey Leo, this is a get women fast or improve with women fast type blog, so if you have something like that and it matches my experiences or/and I can relate to it, I will post, link your website and give you credit…
You def have skills. U r on my mind
Thank you! you are on my mind too specially during my masturbation time, muazzzz!
Skills…. where have u been????? How r u… its Jenny!
I am fine, please text me privately…
Hi Skills!
Thank you very much for this website and your book. I’ve been following your stuff for over a year and my game has improved: I’m 21 and in the last 9 months I had my first two lays and one handjob (so 3 girls in total). Maybe it took me a couple of months to get actual results, but at least I’m learning.
I have a question. I don’t know if I’m supposed to post it here, but I’ll ask it anyway. How do you get rid of a girl after you’ve banged her? Last week, I have had sex with a girl on the first date. It was great, but I don’t find her interesting enough to have her as a girlfriend. This is the third time I encounter this ‘problem’. Do you ignore girls till they give up? Do you promise to call her again, although you never will? Or are you honest and say something like ‘You’re a great girl, but I don’t want any strings right now’ ?
For an answer I would be thankful!
I am glad you are getting results, it will take you a bit of time for you to get very consistent with this, you are 21 your peak will be around 28 mine was around 32, The guru Aaron Sleazy lost his v card at 27, my point is you are doing really good. About getting rid of the girl, the best way to get rid of a girl is to cut contact, in other words do not reply to her text, emails or phone calls. Or if she sends you a text reply with one word answers or no effort like you are not into it, women are way more advance than dudes when it comes to social dynamics, So they will totally get the hint. The second way, is to verbalize it, i am not looking for anything serious right now blah blah, you can verbalize pre-sex or post sex, but it never works that well for me, what works really is cutting contact.
Hey Skills! Gong here again:
An idea popped up which lead me back to your site. Would you be open to doing a video that showcases the top 20 songs played at clubs currently? Obviously it would change year from year. Maybe there could be a specific set of moves that go beyond what you teach (I.e. Doing a particular dance to Baby Got Back (I Like Big Butts). Maybe you could also encourage song requests from people, thus more traffic to your site (And yeah, I’d be more than happy to help you with this).
BTW: Thanks for helping me get laid.
This is very difficult cause all djs play the music they or the owner likes, and music is different from city to city and country to country. All the dances i teach are focus on seduction and escalation, i can teach complicated moves to call attention, but is not needed. If you dance or want to seduce by dancing the blog, videos and book, is more than enough, is up to you to adapt your personal dance moves and style to my method.
very detailed Explanation What is actually works
women magnet formula
Hey Skills!
I just want to give credit where credit is due in the PUA world, I love your original take on Dance floor Game. Nor a lot of PUA’s put time into mastering this area, and those who do can’t teach it. I love the originality I wish you success.
thanks dude! very kind words
Hello skills,
I hope you are fine.
I purchased your book and film a question about it:
You say that you don’t recommend Haitian nights, which is somehow the seduction and dancing field I am operating in. I am living in the Caribbean and Haitian nights with compas music are the top here in terms of amusement and also seduction.
Why don’t you recommend those Haitian nights?
nononono, you are misunderstanding… What i meant to say is that if you are in the USA, you will have greater chance of getting success in clubs that are top 40. Vs niche type clubs that are tailor to a certain demographic… Hope this clarifies. If you are in the caribbean for example in Haiti, you are taking the advice out of context…
Hi Skills,
You claimed in your book you fucked over 200 women while you still lived with your parents. So how did you do it? I am a 22 year old student, still living with my mother and sister (who mostly stays at her boyfriend’s place). But I think my mother would never approve of me having multiple girlfriends at the same time, which you claim to have had. Most evenings, my mum is home and during the day I can’t really predict when she comes home. So you didn’t give a damn about what your parents thought of it? Or you took only one night stands home? Or did you do it secretly when your parents were away?
hey gus! my favorite dude (no homo) uhmm, that is an estimate since i do not count, by the way, i am not the only one, i personally know about 3 guys that have similar lay count while living at home. Currently scotty from good looking loser lives at home and probably have more lays than that. I am dissapointed in you, since i cover how to do this in couple of videos, so that means you did not watch the videos…
. Though i do not live at home, i live with my girlfriend so me and you are in the same situation as of now. So again, my number 1 spot was my car, close second was her place, third was motels, beach, park, sneaking her in my parents house etc… Here is one of the videos covering this(make sure you read the captions):
Hi Skills! Sorry, I didn’t want to let you down. Actually I have seen your video, but when it just came out in Feb 2013. I had forgotten about the video. Anyway, I appreciate you remembered me, since hundreds of guys must have asked you for advice! So you mean you still fuck other girls and your girlfriend doesn’t know about this website or your book? OK, that question was a little personal. And again, thanks for replying.
she knows about the website, book and videos (sometimes she edits the spelling on my videos). You can tell women if they ask you, “that you live with a brother and he has a daughter or that you do not bring girls home as rule till you get to know them, or ___________. Then do it at theie place or take them to a motel(cheaper than a hotel). Do not tell them “we are going to a motel”, but play it out, i used to tell them lets go to my apt. and go to a motel in Miami that you open the garage and go in. I used to troll on them that the clerk was my father or mother. ONce in i say “do you like my apt” joking. Just make it like something normal and not big deal. The motels in Miami were $20 an hour back in the day… Now is $40 an hour, or $60 a night.
Hey man, love your work, it means a lot that you are putting a lot of free content out there and plus it is very insightful, I am confident that someday you will achieve your highest goals with your work, Congrats so far on your success;)
So I have a question about looks, i am doing my best to master my looks, however when it comes to game I feel nervous when a much better genetically gifted guy comes along, so my question is what if a guy enters the club who is much better looking then you and is approaching a girl you are interacting with and want to hook up with, I have no intention of giving up then and there lol, so is there something I can do or is it the better looks wins it all?
Thanks again bro
Thanks for the kind words, sorry for the late response. First, be careful in judging guys looks to much, women are attracted to all different types of dudes, and though on paper the dude may be more good looking to you, based on your perspective, it may not be her type. A good example is good looking loser, on paper he is better looking than me, but i have shown his videos to couple of women and both think he is ugly. Another example is let say a dude is white 6’2″ blonde hair. Let say that girl does not like blonde hair guys, then he is done. Now lets assume the dude is really her type, and more attractive than you, at this point what you need to do is go all in, and find a fast way to display your attractive personality or arouse her. For example in the clubs there are many guys way better looking than me, but i can dance, be fun, be the life of the party,turn them on sexually fast and make her feel a range of emotions, then i am in, he is out. By the way, this is the wrong mindset your focus should be the girl and to find out, am i in or am i out, you do this with escalation, displaying your raw attractive personality and polarization… The sooner you find out were you stand(in or out) the faster you can move on to a girl that may give you greater probability, again we do not care about competition, we could be competing with Bratt pitt(the real one), all we care is are you in(down to fuck) or out (no sexually available).
Thanks man, I can see u mention RSD julien on your blog, apart from the trouble he’s in right now, I love his videos based on confidence and his view on looks,
1, its just at times i find it hard to control my emotions, Here’s what id like to ask you, emotional control and masculine energy, this is something im working on a lot lately inner game, im starting to get with 9’s and a couple of tens, where as a couple years ago i sucked at it, 4s and 5’s i got lol, but sometimes i get those eww looks does that mean its over or can i stll persist,
2, i see trolls on youtube saying how genetic looks are the be all and end all aswell as money, this puts me down in a hopeless state,how do u respnd to them if they dont give you the time of day to explain ?
P.S thank you for your time, as soon as i get this settled my game will be another step further
What is going on with Julian is taking out of context, but he brought that to himself, he was trying to get attention for a while from the feminists… These happened after Jeffy got in trouble with some troll of pof who was a feminist. Anyways, about the 9s and 10s… Most PLAYERS in general community or not, get 6-8 range most of the time, with the occasional 9 and the rare 10. The main problem with the 9s and 10s is that most of them are not available, they are mainly taken and in Mono relationships. You actually land does girls in when they are going through the brief single stage, or stages of sexual curiosity (cock carousel) when they feel like party, experimenting and fuck a lot. But usually most dudes, hook them into a mono relationship for fear of losing them to another dude, since they are in high demand.
Cool, to getting the 9s and 10s how long was your journey, Im 21, there are times when I feel im the best at game and there are times when nothing happens, im in the hopes that in another couple of years i hope to be getting 9s consistantly and the occasional 10, Is it possible do you think, or will things stay the same from now on, with 7’s and 8s with the occasional 9 and rare 10?
thanks again man
Well if you are 21 years old, you will have more ability to get the 9s and 10s cause they are in the cock carouse stage and a lot of them in their “looks” prime, go for women younger than you 17-18 range or younger if not in USA…
Thanks man, 3 more question and ill be out of your hair, 1,how do u deal with mastering your emotions, i do all i can to max my looks out but at times i can hear other girls saying im ugly, it puts me down, has this ever happened to you and if so how do you deal with it and not let it fuck your night up, and secondly is it true that most mens physical prime is late 20s early 30s if he looks after himself and 3, are you still getting the 9s and 10s, thats it for me from a while, just if you could answer me those 3 questions ill be sorted, lol, thanks again bro, again i love your work
My prime was at 32 and i maxed out looks recently though i am older so to explain at 32 i look younger but now i am more stylish and fitter so it balances out, but yes my prime was i would say 32… I had 2 girls saying i am ugly(about 2 that i remember) back in high school when i was a bit of a chode, women do no usually do this… Maybe your behavior is unattractive if they are verbalizing you are ugly, you will handle your emotions as you get experience, successes with women and situations. But yea we all sometimes get emotionally down, almost everybody does, the key is to find a way to snap out fast, out of it, again improving your finances, accomplishing goals, getting in shape, sleeping 8 hours, and successes with women will help to snap out of it.
1,Hey man, i came across an aticle in which you talk about mistakes guys make, you said touching, but from what ive learned is that physicallity is essential, she has to know whats up and that you have to break the friendzone by physicality,
2, I also go out solo to nightclubs, i feel kinda creepy that they are not my local clubs but furher clubs because my town is small, I feel that progress is being made by me because the girl im getting are getting hotter and hotter, so i know there is good progress but the point is i feel weird about going out far and solo to a club
1.- You read it out of context it say “touching or grabbing when INITIALLY opening”, also says after you reach the hook point escalate physically. My whole game is mainly sexual escalation so of course you have to touch…
2.- If it feels awkward is either because you are not use to it or you are not being social. Re-read the article.
Whats your take on body language, in my experience in game, when in a bar upstairs i generally turn my chest and feet away from them as most instructors will say keep shoulders ,chest and away from her subcommunicates needines, leaning in etc, it works when in a bar not so crowded, but what about where load music, crowded place, is it best to get up in front of them,
I have couple of videos that cover body language, one that talks about confidence, proper posture gesture, one about walking in the club, one about down to fuck women and body language, one about alpha males, check the videos and read the annotations i cover your questions in a way you can see with examples, instead of print instructions…
This site is bomb but I just have one complaint how can you have this awesome resourceful site and not have robert greene the art of seducution in the books section it seems to me that should be the first book in the section mandatory reading
For some reason when i was reading the book “The Art Of Seduction”, I just could not get into it, the same with the book “The Way Of The Superior Man”, is not that they are bad is just that I, for some reasons did not click with them, same with bd book “The Unchained Man”… Again, not that they are bad i just could not get into them…
i have re-read blackdragon book is really good and recommend it, so a change in my views… I have also finishedreading the “way of the superior man” amazing book, i had the audiobook and that is why i did not like it. The audiobook is not a reflexion of the book…. Robert green “mastery” is an amazing book as well. I can not get into the “art of seduction” it bores me for some reason…
I have a question on status, yes its important to know if she is into you, however, ive talked to guys before who got those gross looks but as the night went on they were the highlight of the party as you said about earlier in which you can make her feel a range of emotions and be fun you are in, they are out, its kinda true im getting more attention when im not reaction seeking, also its realitive to my situations i find, that if i have good looking women around me, the girl sees my as attractive because of pre selection, if i was on my own and i chatted to her, shed probably tell me to f off lol, so can status alone make her feel attraction for you if your in the right situations and she doesnt find you phsically appealing
Status can make you very attractive, i think in some cases status greater than looks specially in 3rd and second world countries status and money will take you way farther than looks. Hanging around women can make you very attractive because it cuts her effort, in her head(uhmm this guy is with hot women so he is not a creeper, he must be a cool dude), so they do not have to be shit testing etc… (work) to make sure you are cool and not a creeper/psycho/beta.
Hi Skills, apart from all the questions I have, I would like to thank you, and wish you a very happy holiday season, your content is outstanding and should truly be noticed as one of the best when it comes to seduction, You are truly excellent in this area and look forward to your future posts of 2015,
p.s I would love to see you do bootcamps and seminars in the future, that would be awesome
Thanks! very kind of you… Merry Christmas to you and your family…
hey skills, hows it goin, i have a question about game, i got into this at first because i wanted to get the women i wanted, now its about becoming a better man every day, it makes me upset when a guy who has it all superficially in terms of looks and has the money his rich father had given him, i notice as the months go by the women i get are getting slightly hotter and better in other ways, its becoming more consistent but when a rich good looking guy gets it without doing any work on himself, yes his looks will fade ( like the women’s) however is it true that the good looking guy gets it or will the women im into settle for a guy who raises his status, works on himself etc,
Instead of me giving you a short reply, i think you may find the answer in this post
as much as i disagree with rsd when it comes to some stuff, Tyler did a video that may help you somehow as well
I wonder what it is from rsd that you disagree with, ut apart from that thanks for help;)
some of the advice on spam approaching and a lot more stuff, but they are getting better lately…
Thanks again skills, also i think they are going against looks because it puts a lot of guys of from approaching however another thing that they say is that the more you go out, the more you learn to interact and learn more about sub comminication (and yes max out looks as tyler said) it is a given that the girls you get as time goes by gets hotter and high status, thats what im in this game for and I will not stop,
seen your post about fifty shades, nice, do u have any other scenes from movies u recommend is a great example meeting and attraction
she liked the dude from the start, and she was schedule to meet him. So the answer to your question is no..
i noticed that when it comes to nightgame in open more quite places i can get a girls attention and as the night goes on i create a social status be life of party etc, passing shit tests etc and the fact that im keeping the vibe a little above the envoirnment the women become more into me , however it is much harder to do when in a really busy nightclub where i was the other night were we cant hear each other so its hard to keep the vibe up above the envoirnment, they are constantly pushing past everybody and a little more bitchy, they will not give you the time of day unless ur around their physical type or just a person of higher status such as dj, or club promoter lol, so how do u deal with load ass really busy clubs? i feel its imposible to create attraction or maybe i just had a rough night,
you can do it many different ways, but the way i do it and teach is through dance floor game… The whole blog/youtube channel is dedicated to that, i barely talk i used dancing to keep her entertain, while getting compliance and escalating. In my method we keep verbals to a minimum.
Hey Skills,
Long time fan here. I just came upon this video a month ago. I feel some of this stuff contradicts what you say in your book, particularly dancing solo. What’s your personal take on this video?
k gong got to finally watch the video here are my observations:
1.- the guys making the video are not dance floor guys, but regular seducers that don’t dance.
2.- all this dominance talk is overrated, i focus on fun and arousal vs. dominance, the dance floor is not a 50 shades of grade movie…
3.- Dancing solo they say is weak, on the contrary with dancing solo you get open and approach invites if you are good/fun/decent dancer, What you do not want is to dance solo for too long, cause you become used furniture and that will kill your novelty. Finally, you never want to come across as dancing monkey or dancing trying to impress vs. that guy dances like he fucks good in bed or is having a good time.
4.- The dude claiming his name (i forgot) knee vibrator is his move, pure bs. I have been doing that move for more than 20 years. And is not with the knee is with the upper tight. But, he is right i have also made women cum with that move.
5.- All of that spinning is weak and will get the girl dizzy, don’t do that shit, one spin max.
6.- the no observe if the girl is with bf, or group or her vibe. It is bad advice, cause you can look for the right situation to go in or a situation that gives you better odds than other and with experience you can spot dtf women. But, with that being said the no hesitating is good advice.
7.- most of the advice is ok, not very practical…
8.- i have experimented lately with lifting the girls after the girl is into you, it kind of works.
I definitely saw that knee vibrator almost 2 years ago on your channel. What the crap. Everyone on Reddit Seduction was going ape shit over that move as if it were the newest discovery to dance floor seduction.
Thanks again for the insight, Skills!
yea lol! i was like wtf
Hey Skills, just found your site a few nights back. I really enjoy the effort your put into the content and replying your fans. Also, linking us up to certain ideas and pages there and then. Currently I am still rather new and struggling with the asian stereotype but will put your tips to practice.
Great work man!
Asian stereotype is that they are extremely polite and analytical… Just neutralize it, but displaying traits during the interaction that show otherwise…Thanks for passing by, I really hope some of the content helps you..
Do you have some elaboration or tips you can give me? I have no problem opening and stuff but I often bore myself and the person because of my inability to escalate. Would this be the same solution for me (
the dude that wrote that guide is feature on my book his name is “warped mindless” and a good friend… Your inability to escalate is due to fear and anxiety… I would advice the book 60 years of challenge (product section) and watch some youtube videos by a dude name “good looking loser”. Other than that do not think too much in escalation, be touchy feely with men, women and family member always touch while talking and look how people react to your touching women and men (NO HOMO). I am always touching people specailly women when i talk and specially when i dance. The key is to feel at easy, comfortable with this. If you feel creepy, people will feel what you feel and therefore be creeped out. If as you touch you are not getting compliance back off, if you are cont. incrementally… If you do not touch, is pretty hard to get laid…
sup skills, do u think that pua is becoming mainstream, also is there a way that i can get a girl even if im not her physical type, i kno its hard but my mindframe is that being a girls physical girl helps and its easierbut can i still get her attracted even if the physcal apperance didnt strike her at first
pua is already mainstream, but it has a bad rep….Second, You can get a girl even if you are not her physical type if you get her sexually aroused/horny enough, or displaying your personality kind of getting her attracted to it as she is experiencing you…I recommend you read this post
Yo Skills! Big time fan here. Just dropping by to say you need to stop by California so we can pull some girls off the dance floor haha
will do…
Yo skills!
I hope you remember me as playa93 or stjerne from the pua forums
Is there any way to get in contact with you again besides here?
i really miss your useful guidings, so i hope you will reply to me.
Much love from here! your the best!
yo playa or yoooooooooo miss you! no homo!
You seem to never be online on skype, is there any way i can get in contact with you?
I really miss your useful guides on how to pick up girls bro i need some advice with this chick i recently got to know.
What messengers do you use besides skype? i really need to talk to you
Your #1 fan, much love from here!
i sent you an email with my number… text me there…
i love your newer posts by the way, marraige etc, good and insightful
anyways, i recommended you to a few peope, problem is:
they think that there is no skills you can have with women as they believe they are too ugly to get a good looking girlfriend, they dont believe in sub communication or vibe as they are constantly saying shit like women are whores who are constantly only interested in the superficial bs , I mean check out all the you tube vis on self help they are filled with trolls left and right saying how looks are like 99%,, if your not good looking , you better ave the money etc, b.s,
the trouble is most men are of these silly dumbed down views, other mates of mine however do not have this belief, and ironically they are sorta ugly and yet i seen them pull stunners,
Could you please make another post about self fulfilling prophecies as most men have this and i feel it is fucking with everyones heads too much
nica give them this post:
to make another thing clear i do recommend maxing out looks and contolling finances but for you and you alone, i dont focus on looks when i leave the front door, i try and wipe out all those excusses
Exellent point, but when i go to the club i go to the bathroom and look in the mirror, not due to looks but you may have a shirt sticker (on a shirt you just bought) or a piece of food on your teeth that you did not know about, or a dirt on your shirt etc… So i do go to the club bathroom to make sure no controllable mistakes are made in my presentation.
Yo Skills! Your #1 fan again (No homo).
I was thinking about learning some of Magic Mike’s moves to improve my dance floor game a bit. I know most of them aren’t practical, but I feel like they’d be good for dance floor game in terms of, say, a college house party (I’ve got one year left of college) or after you take a girl back to your apartment and you know she’s already into you. What do you think?
i do some of the stuff magic mike does, and i also included magic mike in one of my videos. I still need to go and watch magic mike XXX… I do recommend stripper type game as a way to calling sexual attention… Again, just make sure you do not do it in a way you come across as a “dancing monkey” or do it too long in a way that women perceive you as “one trick phony” or “used furniture”. Shit! i may go ahead and watch the movie next weekend in order to write a review…
To anyone reading this:
This guy is seriously the real deal. I went from having (practically) no sex to a FWB I’ve been with for 7 months (And still going). I owe this guy a lot, more than buying his book could have done for me. So if you need proof of what this guy can do for you, I’m living proof his shit works.
awww! thanks gong! appreciate that, if there is only one person, benefiting, it is just enough reward for me to put in the effort and keep me writing and putting videos… Thanks again…
Hey Skills,
one question
in terms of seeing am I in or out do, there are times when im not too sure, we spoke before about how we can still get the girl even if we are not the girls physical type so is there anything that can be done when she shows you that you are out, Do you bounce out with the abundance mindset which I do aswell but if its a case where there is only one hot girl in the envoirnment what can i do to spin it around?
First, i said that is possible to get a girl that is not necessarily physically attracted to you, but unlikely(though i have done it) and it is also very un efficient and extremely small probability of success… you are better of using your time with girls that are on the fence and better yet into you. If a girl shows you that you are out, for example in a club, get another girl and display attractive behaviors with another girl, sometimes the girl that was not into would see the dynamics with that other girl(for example dancing sensual with her at the club) and say to herself “shit that guy is actually cool and sexy let me take a second look”.
hey man, i want to talk about baldness, are you bald, did you find girls attracted to you while being bald or more attracted if you had hair, i know this sounds like a silly question an all but just asking for an opinion
i am not bald, but i shave my head, never had a problems with the ladies, other than the occasional joke or two.. A lot of women like guys with shave head, and they love rubbing the shave head…The problem is a lot of guys do not look good with shave head.
thats the problem with me i think, although i have a full head of hair i probably will go bald when im older, but i quess its nothing too much to worry about when it comes to success wit women as a matter of fact guys like bruce willis and jason statham, alpha male characters they dont get bothared by it lol but i would like to kkep my hair, there a shit loads of products out there these days are there any that prevent hair loss, i at times use loreal for men, its a hair loss prevention shampoo any others you can think of?
listen i look good shave head, cause if you are black or mixed(like me) shaved head is neutral, if you are white in may drop your looks couple of points.
thats the problem it will drop so what do you recommend when those days do come
there is a video on my channel called “balding game” check it out
cool, bro, also i find a lot about game is inner game, even if no women is attracted to me with a shaved head, its probably coming from me being all defensive about it, hiding my insecurity and if i believe im not attractive because im bald it will show
lastly, i find a lot of hot russion and polish women like big jacked bald dudes i find, maybe not so much in the uk or ireland but a lot of those women seem to find that attractive but in my experience its all about how you feel about yourself, if you are leading the party women see this and love it even if those guys are beeter looking on me on paper especially if the better looking guy is try hard and incongruent etc, thats the biggest turn off of all qualities man can display agreed?
merry xmas
merry christmas ni ca
Hey skills, I wanna buy an ebook of your Secrets of Dance floor seduction but Amazon doesn’t sell Kindle editions to people outside of US, is there any way I could buy one from somewhere else? I just want to give you some money.
i may be able to send you a pdf. shot me an email at , i do need some money to buy condoms…
for someone with your “skills”, there should be condom flat rates :-))
Muchos Gracias for your article.Much thanks again. Want more.
Skills! Your #1 fan back at it again. Been talking to this girl, and she loves to dance. Instantly thought of you because a lot of my dance floor material came from you. So thanks again!
thanks bro! make sure to insert pipi in vagina….
Whats up dude,
What do you think about ChiHoe, the idanceacademy guy. He seems like a credible dance instructor but as far as seductive dance it looks like he teaches the same basic things that everyone else is doing.
never heard of him, link please
Sorry for the wait. I had to look through it again. Its his oldest stuff.
Jesus Christ! does that dude looks or acts as someone who would get laid at a club! In before, someone says “you are saying that cause he is your competition” cause he is not, the only pussy that dude gets is getting close to those dancers he pays to be on his videos…
Whoa there! BREATHE.. BREATHE. Ok, I don’t see how
those would think he’s your competition, you don’t look
like your doing this for the money. Also I saw your
comment on the whole ‘knee vibrator’ thing and that
got me thinking about this. A lot of the stuff this guy
shows in his older videos look like things I’ve read on pua
forums many times before. This is the first time I seen them
in a long while. The hip movement, bending her over,
being playful etc. Just like the knee vibrator thing which
isn’t new, guys have talked about it for a while now.
Simply looking for your dance floor expertise
go to a porn site and type dancing bear, male strippers are the best dance floor naturals, other than that, me, that is it…
What books do you recommend for body language?
I have a friend that all he does is body language, his name is poetyclyskuac, he is featured in my book, but his website is gone wtf! Anyways, I really do not have a book to recommend (since most of it i learned with experience and not from books), but i have some blogs and videos were i talk about body language (youtube is full of body language videos):
Ok, thanks! I’m also looking at stuff from Before I really start
to practice the stuff they type about in their articles, does their body language content match your experiences?
have no read the body language stuff but chase blog is one of the best when it comes to seduction…
We stumbled over here by a different web page and thought I should check things out.
I like what I see so now i am following you.
Look forward to looking into your web page again.
Any experience with Hookah lounges, Skills?
Well there was a club that I used to go to called “off the hookah” but it was more like a dance club, but had vip tables and in the bar you can use the hookah… other than that no… so to answer you no really, since Off the hookah was more of a club.
Ok, I’ve been looking at hookah places via youtube and a lot of them have dance floors with djs that play reggaeton, reggae and hiphop. I’ll probly check out sometime. Something different.
Wow, I totally forgot to give feed back on these type of places.
So where I live at least each hookah bar/lounge is just a place to smoke hookah. Picture a bar with nothing but people standing around drinking bud lights instead of hookah smoke and the place is darker. That’s pretty much the two places I’ve tried. Not good for dance game.
One other spot what a latin venue with reggaeton playing with salsa/bachata, the like. However the girls there would only dance if a drink was bought for them.
With the hookah place you need to try regular type verbal game, and then do the second generation verbals…. More of verbal game, and it works good cause it gives you a lot more control over dance floor (check out my post on sexual talk for dummies)….
As i have said many times in the blog and book i do not recommend latin clubs, unless is part of the multiple club hoping places, due to the courtship element, as you can see…. I have as part of the 3-4 clubs i go to a latin club but only after hours, and my results are lower than the clubs i recommend….
Read this:
and this:
and this:
I definitely see more of what you mean by the courtship factor. I also seems partly of the whole “buying her time with drinks” tactic also on her part.
Now to review the sexual talk again….
I watched a few of your YouTube videos. It doesn’t look like you advocate mirroring a girl’s dance moves. I wanted to ask you about this, what is your opinion on using this tactic, does it have any value as others claim?
No follow my stuff and test it on the field, everything i do and say is the “bible”, most of my lays are STRICTLY dance floor game, you need to follow what i say in the video (make sure you are not an apple computer or cell/ipad, but in a regular computer and read the captures)… Now your job is to adapt your style of dancing to my method, but dancing seductively and fun is key… Mirroring is mental masturbation and i have never mirror a girl other than to tease her a bit, but is an exaggerated mirroring and only with girls that are stuck up to make fun of how ridiculous they look trying hard…
Hi skills,
I saw one of your comments on a forum and was intrigued by what you have to say. Personally I am not a dancer, but I can see how itd be super useful in clubs and bars.
Instead of dance floor seduction, my bread and butter is cold approaching. I love walking up to new women and trying to get the in my bed as fast as I can. My fastest so far has been about thirty minutes. I haven’t uploaded videos to YouTube yet but I will soon.
I would be interested in writing a guest post for you or contributing regularly somehow
Also it’s awesome as fuck that you take the time to reply to all of those comments.
of course you are more than welcome if is fast seduction and something i can relate with… Send it to or
Skills, I looked around and found this guy “Alpha Male Training” on youtube. He’s got a section for dance floor game, you think his stuff if the real thing?
No good! but you are more than welcome to field test and see for yourself….Too many things to nitpick would take me 3 pages…
Feel free to list a few things. Thanks, but I’ll pass. The stuff he’s showing started pretty good then after watching more it didn’t line up with my experiences either.
dude too many to nitpick the dude does not know what the fuck his doing or talking about, and to be honest watching his videos just got me angry and my blood boiling… A dancing monkey!
How often should I call/text after meeting the girl from a night out? Right now I range from a text when I get home to waiting for the following day (the day after the next day). Seems like waiting longer then that has the girl go cold and not interested.
there is not right or wrong answer, i have texted girls right away and gotten laid, i have waited and gotten laid… If you met her at the club she probably met other dudes and/or may have forgotten about you, aim for having sex with her right away and/or if for whatever reason that did not happen a really strong interaction, and even then now a days women are flaky…
Yup, we met on the street around some restuarants that become clubs at night. She told me that she’d text her work schedule so I decided to wait a week rather then call the next day. Same girl from another comment I left on a different post. Left a voice mail yesterday and haven’t heard back yet. Alwell.
do not leave voice mails please, do not call them on the phone unless is requested by them… reason is shows too much eagerness, neediness….
Argh, and here I was thinking that by waiting a week I wouldn’t show neediness.
Makes me wonder now why she picked up the first to voicemails but not the last one…
watch this video
Lol, funny.
I guess what I’m wondering is this:
I get the number Saturday night and text on Sunday.
Whether or not she responds back is there any “best amount of time to pass” to text her again?
Does it just vary?
phill i gave you my texting guide were all that info is covered
Hey skills, thought I’d let you know what’s going on.
I’ve been going to this spot by the beach that has a latin band on Tuesdays. Draws a good crowd. During some of the breaks I started to talk to this cute bartender. Mostly just fluff talk, I really didn’t pay much mind since she’s a bartender. Now this past Tuesday I chat with her again during a break for the first that in the even. Here are the notes, let me know if you need more info:
fluff talk
she tells me that she’s seen me dance with other girls so I say that “oh so you’ve been checkin me out?” (playful tongue in cheek)
She says a little bit with a wink so I say that maybe next time I should wink back.
I remember that she’s in college and talk about that, she’s surprised that I remember this.
She’s asks my age, after making her guess I tell her and she’s shocked that I’m older by maybe 7 years that I look.
She mentioned that she has dance training but not in latin dance so I offer to show her a few moves some time and we talk about love for red lobster.
Mention nationalities and I tell that people with her background end to make cute kids.
Tell her that haircut is short but that style cut is cute and feminine.
Next I say that I should go back to dancing and give her space (playtone). She says that she’s comfortable with me but I say that “I know you’re on the clock and am just saying this stuff to me since your the bartender.” (playful tone, always)
She starts talking about creeps to witch I playfully say, “oh tell me more” while leaning onto the bar stool).
I say again that she’s only saying this stuff because she’s on the job, etc.
She says that she is always brutally honest.
I say I’d like to exchange numbers and meet to show some salsa/bachata moves but she is on the click. To which she asks for my number and texts me hers.
End of the night I say goodbye and she comes up and hugs me.
Next day I text her that it was fun, etc. She texts back, her to and she’ll be at the spot all week. I text her again thursday or Friday (do’n’t remember). Nothing back. Seeing her most likely tmrw at the weekly latin band event again.
Really enjoyed reading this phil, well played, and inspiring….. Dunno the context of the texting…. But since she is a regular at the spot…. I would have just ran into her again and keep frequenting the spot…. Maybe on the day that i was going to the spot i would text her “hey Sussy my favorite dance partner, going to be at xyz tonight, hopefully we run into each other and dance a song or 2” or some ping like that…. But again, well played…
Thanks! Means a lot, coming from someone of your experience. Chase blog on flirting and going back to do the exercises in the stylelife challenge helped out also your blog.
When I text back it was some generic thing like “Happy Friday, any exciting plans?” Just didn’t want the lead to go cold, so to speak. Either way there was no response.
The text you’d have wrote though, I never danced with her, she can’t because she works there. Let me know how your text would work here.
Saw her this evening but didn’t have much time due to weather conditions. Said that her makeup looks good but a more natural look always works better. (something along those lines). Finally I invited her to a social this Saturday, she said to text her but due her not texting me back and still wondering about the bartender mode that she’s probably in I told her to text me if she can make it.
What’s happening here
Let me set the stage of last night
Music is top 40s/ reggaeton and dancehall reggae
I’m dancing with girls either grinding or spins and turns
Just last night, one girl I grind and get a partial makeout with, more of a make.
Next girl I do the pointing move and come here, she pretends to throw punches at me, I respond
with matrix bullet dodging. Her and her group think its so cool that they video it.
Next girl I do a come here motion and we do some lame grinding (some girls end up going for the grind
with I just want to do a simple turn).
Final girl I walk up to during a bachata track and we do some bachata.
Now according to everything I’ve read, girls should be seeing I’m a cool guy and want to dance with me.
Even the matrix move I did, girls should be getting interested in dancing with me.
Now this isn’t the first time I’ve done this stuff. Lots of times I’ve done similar stuff with girls, had
mini dance offs after looking eyes and then the surrounding girls see but don’t want to dance with me
after. Either grind dancing (not even making out, I guage via escalation and slowly moving closer) or simple spins and turns and other girls just move away
when I try to dance with them next and I approach like I just happen to dance in their area next.
I notice this the most when the crowd is mostly white girls. Blacks and latinas and caribbeans aren’t nearly this stand offish.
i don’t understand what is the problem and what is the question…
I’m wondering if what I typed is normal on the dancefloor/your experience?
It seems like the whole pre-selection thing and looking like a fun guy that other girls want to dance doesn’t work at all. As if girls in different groups don’t care at all how much fun you’re having with other girls.
since i was not there i will tell you when it does not work…. It does not work when you are perceived as someone that is just hitting on everybody and the interactions went nowhere, so you are there cause you could not close the girl frame in womens mind, it may not work if other women saw you making out, and they feel sloppy second, get me…. But i did not see anything wrong with your interactions, they are common, but again i was not there to see what you did or did not do wrong.
Thanks for the honesty, cleared some things up.
Again, not racist but based on observation and experience;
it still seems like black girls, caribbeans, etc are open to dance with me
more than majority of white girls.
After more thought I think it might be like what your said, white girls view it
as straight hooking up no matter what.
Good point on the making out, never thought of that.
Is there are another way for me to post these comments
rather than taking up forum space?
don’t worry, post them all you want, i don’t care…. Soon i will have the youtube channel live, where i will be answering questions more clearly…. In about couple of weeks… Caribbeans and blacks come from dance cultures and they dance…. White girls do not come from dance culture, so you have to work them (very few into dancing)… To your final question just be discreet, now a days i do not make out in public, what i do is show the girl that i can if i wanted too (this increase attraction as well)
Yeah, true.
I noticed that white girls dance only with guys that are the boyfriend/guy they are talking to.
It does talk a lot of work to get a white girl on the dance floor but the plus is that once you’ve got her, so long as you don’t mess up, done deal. Correct?
incorrect! I said most likely black and hispanic women are more into dancing than white girls due to culture…. But i fucked hundreds of white girls doing dance floor game. Also there is a distintion i am talking pure American white girls, vs European whites, Australian whites, South African whites and the likes. Also some white girls move to Miami/Broward if they are into latin guys for example, some target hip hop clubs if they are into black guys etc….
But I am assuming you are talking to Southern White girls from United States, so yeah, they will dance one girly song or 2, but most of them like to talk, so you have to isolate them from dance floor and talk a bit… (boring as fuck) but follow my guide on how to do second generation verbals…
Oh wow. I didn’t even think about all that. Nice point.
Yes, I’m referring to white American/southern girls born and raised in the states.
Attending top 40s places.
Those are the one’s whom I see majority of the time in my area. So I may be impartial due to how people are in my area. Only dancing with the girl friends.
So boring, like you said.
Hey Skills,
How you been?
Question, what did you get out of Mark Manson’s Models?
A lot! One of the best books when it comes to “inner game” “neediness” and a lot more, just an overall good book, probably the best book…Do you have the book?
Nah, I don’t have it. Though i was able to find it for free online. I love how he explains what inner game actually is….
He also did a reddit ama related to his book and seduction in general.
get his audiobookis uptdated…. also get his new book “the art of not giving a fuck” pretty good….
Hey, skills. How was your winter?
I forgot which of your newer videos where you talk about stuff you say in the girls ear while dancing. Seems like it lines up with Mark Mansons principle of women being interested just by being desired.
Just how powerful is this from your experience?
Also with intermittent fasting, how do you deal with times of hungry?
Mark Manson book is good for inner game… The outer techniques are meh…. Don’t show you want them too early though, it has to be after hook point…
if intermittent fasting is done right you should not be hungry, but in the morning you can take black coffee or a caffeine pill, sometimes i take a coffeine pill… But again if intermittent fasting is done right you should not be hungry, key is 1 gram of protein per body weight… so if i am 200 pounds 200 pounds of protein, protein helps a lot to make you feel full…
So I guess that after the hook point when the girl wants to stay, then I can start to whisper dirty things and encouraging her to be sexy?….
From the little bit of research that I did on intermittent fasting; if you take in anything that the body has to process, anything with calories, than it hasn’t a true fast.Wouldn’t that mean that you can’t even have protein during the fast?….
only 15 calories or less…. Protein is a nono if you decide to do this, if is just a tool, and not for everybody i like it cause i can eat 2 huge meals that get me full
Hey skills, it’s hey_lover from pua_zone. Where is the new forum?
yeah! i am pissed about the whole thing…no new forum yet…
miss you brother, i need to ask you something privately can you contact me at
Skills, I emailed you, but it didn’t deliver. Send me a message on Are you on instagram?
I’m impressed, I have to admit. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s both educative and entertaining, and without a doubt, you have
hit the nail on the head. The issue is something not enough folks are speaking intelligently
about. I am very happy that I stumbled across this in my search for something relating to this.
skills man we gotta make a new forum.
rsdnation is down too
roosh v went christian
WTF man masculine players are gunna go extinct!
they are not going extinct lol, just no public… New generation not interested in learning pick up… go to our group in reddit…
What’s the reddit group?
i don’t know what you are talking about, clarify…
Hey Skills,
Haven’t posted in a while. Been trying to work on other parts of my “game”.
I’ve tried this a few times with hardly any results, how successful have you been with fingering on the dancefloor? Seems that the condition for this to work are far and few in between.
-fingering on the dance floor shows lack of social calibration… It is a stupid move:
1.- it kills sexual tension
2.- It lower her social value (cause if someone sees her allowing a dude to do that, will automatically give her hoe/slut status)
3.-Following number 2 will trigger anti slut defense
4.- if you were to succeed it will amp up escalation to then go down.
5.- is a low odds move (stupid move).
Cool, thanks for the confirmation.
yo! i will show an alternative which is EXACTLY like fingering without fingering
What about going for the boobs. I know that you covered it in one video and wonder if that still applies.
Again, thanks.
I will make a video on it when i get a chance…
Yo bro its playa93 again from puaf many years ago, i tried to get in contact with u, you dont seem to reply to my email so i was wondering how i can get in touch with u again, you and sexaddict911 helped me out alot and im very thankful.
Are you still in the game? if so which pua forum are you currently using?
hope to hear from u man your a legend
play you can find me at miss you ma man… Come join! All the players are there…
i joined it bro it looks lit, but why cant i send u a message on it? i have some important things to tell u privately man and i just watched ur 3 routine guide on youtube its legit the best pua material ive seen man, keep it up and let me know how i can get in touch with u
tell me your name on the forum to increase your ranking….you probably can’t message me due to your ranking….
im called “punisher”
Hey skills, thanks for the video tips. Good tips and refreshers.
I was able to put a good amount to use.
Skills, thanks for the video tips. Was able to put some of them to use and got some nice results.
no problem bro!
How are you handling quarantine?
sorry for the delay working on a video on that…
Skills, what online dating app do you recommend?
So how so you find girl online and in your area?
I’ve started already, not doing to bad.
With this quaratine I may as well try it right .
used as many apps as possible bumble, hinge, tinder,okkupid, pof the more the better….
Eh, pof wasnt good for me. One thing I am noticing, online game, especially now, great way to improve conservation skills.
lol, no you do not converse via text, you mean texting skills
Do you pay at all for this online dating apps? Or just use the free version?
I use the free version, but for better results not the middle pay version in tinder best (or on most dating apps aka silver vs gold) the gold version is actually bad…. But me personally i am not paying right now… but yes if you want better results pay…
Seems that with the quarantine, online game has become a great way to practice conversation skills.
yes online, facebook, instagram and pinging contacts….
Hey skills, my name is Kaylem, I’m from Manchester UK and I read your book on dance floor seduction. It is great. Before the pandemic, I use to do short nights and long nights at the nightclubs and game girls after I finished work at 2300. But this fucking covid 19 has destroyed nightgame for a long time. I have now moved to daygame and doing cold approach during the day because of coronavirus. If I ever come down to florida, I would like to meet you and do some game with you as I have ambitions to travel worldwide and do game. Email me or add me on Skype kaylemlw
shoot me and email at with your age, years in game, how you look etc…
Skills, Mind if I pick your brain on this one?
Got a girl’s numbers a few weeks ago at night. Texted on ig every couple of days but she only gives one answer responses.
I stopped for a week or 2, out of no where she texts on ig to meet at a place, her group is there as well. After hanging out with my friend I text her that i’ll meet her (phone number this time, this time I got the number). Had fun, danced bachata at her request. Fun night.
I text and call this week, one day apart, only 1 response back as usual.
I’m wondering if it is like girlschase talks about, the shy type that you cannot be to aggressive with. Is there a smooth way to address how she responds at all.
Sorry for the late response, I got girls like that, that put you into the “dancing Party zone”, so accept your “dancing partner zone” and when you get another call for that, capitalize on it when the opportunity is given… Had nothing to do with “shy type”
Ehh, no complaints here, dude. Tried but didn’t workout that night.
Anyways, if there is a next time, what would be my odds of going to dance with other girls and still trying something with this one. As in she doesn’t want to dance at the moment so I simply look for other girls to dance with. Song ends and I’m back with her in the group.
The things we try just give higher odds they are not bullet proof…
do you offer any paid skype/phone coaching/consultation?
No yet! I will work on something soon, sorry for the late response..
Hey mate , I guess my time on the ss forum came to an end as my account got banned along with the whole ip range of a country . I find this super amusing ahahhaahhahaha .
People in general become super defensive and do things like that when you pin point flaws , or you do not agree with the crazy thing they are saying , even though you have solid arguments and they do not .
I wonder how they can maintain frame control when talking with a chick that has attitude , as most of the good looking girls have at the beginning haha
Thus being said , just wanted to say a proper goodbye , as I really appreciated you as a person , but also because what you are saying makes sense , compared to most of the other so called seducers that are “skilled “ only on the forums and writing articles . Sadly this is the case nowadays , a lot of bla bla and no results .
Or how a friend of mine says “nowadays people who rarely seduce at least a decent girl try to teach you how to seduce cat walk models “
Take care man !
Hey mate , I guess my time on the ss forum came to an end as my account got banned along with the whole ip range of a country . I find this super amusing ahahhaahhahaha .
People in general become super defensive and do things like that when you pin point flaws , or you do not agree with the crazy thing they are saying , even though you have solid arguments and they do not .
I wonder how they can maintain frame control when talking with a chick that has attitude , as most of the good looking girls have at the beginning haha
Thus being said , just wanted to say a proper goodbye , as I really appreciated you as a person , but also because what you are saying makes sense , compared to most of the other so called seducers that are “skilled “ only on the forums and writing articles . Sadly this is the case nowadays , a lot of bla bla and no results .
Or how a friend of mine says “nowadays people who rarely seduce at least a decent girl try to teach you how to seduce cat walk models “
Take care man !
Yep! I have wonder similar things… Sorry for the late response!
elements (case, binding).
and 12 thousand Georgian manuscripts
handwritten by the author.