Simple way to sky rocket your sexual value in clubs

clubdudeBesides dance moves, muscles, style, beard and social proof as covered in this video, here is another simple way to sky rocket your sexual value in clubs.

As of now I am working on different business projects for the short term till I create couple of business models that I am expecting to work like my seductions in other words EFFICIENTLY (minimal work and maximum profit).

The bad is too much work field testing what works which is frustrating, the good is after I eventually find out what works, I will be making tons of money while working minimally.

Skills what does that has to do with club game? Well, lately I have not been clubbing much, taking a break. However, last week I went out after couple of months without clubbing and something very interesting happened.

Women were going nuts over me without me even trying (I was with my new main out). Now you may think “of course skills you had a girl with you which causes social proof”. Fair point, but the girls I am talking about that were practically drooling over me, had no idea that I was with my main, since the clubs were crowded.

So skills what is your fucking point? relax, I am getting to it, if you read my book and some of my past blogs, I talked about the phenomenon that I call “shiny new object”, in other words, remember when back when you were in high school, work, college, youth group etc…The new guy or girl, may not have been the most attractive or coolest but you were turn on by him/her vs the rest of the group due to NEWNESS.

What I am saying is that you can be the hottest girl or dude but due to the person being familiar with you in multiple situations, for example high school, familiarity breeds diminished attraction. Fuck skills get the point? What happened to me was that the women that are already familiar with me since I am a club regular, all of a sudden were going crazy over me. So, here is the point of the post, though I am a club regular, I took couple of months break, So women and dudes (no fucking homo) were like shit! wtf is going on with skills? I am used to see him at the club now he is gone,In other words my sexual attraction, my mystery, my coolness, my status, my popularity, just sky rocketed by me doing a take away.

I know what you are going to ask? fuck skills seduction is a numbers game and a skill set, if i take a break I will be killing some of my access to pussy, not only that I will be loosing my skill set instead of improving. Excellent points! But uncle skills got you!

Here is what you can do, take a break from the area were you are a regular clubber for couple of months, club in another area, then come back and that will create the same effect as me taking a break due to working on my mission temporarily.(I will be back)

Shit! Almost forgot! come back a bit hotter! (New style, or more muscle or lose some weight). I came back more muscular (though I lost tons of weight I looked a bit deflated for a bit, now I look really muscular sort of like the Hodge Twins).

Now at this point my skill set is pretty good, I do not have much upside in my skill level so I can afford to take breaks and if I come back I still get mad pussy.

Remember after my break up, I thought “shit i am done! it is over!”. To my amusement, even though I was not right in my head space and making huge game mistakes due to my emotional state, I was still PULLING like crazy.

So back to you, take a break from the clubs you are a regular, go to clubs outside your area were you are not a regular and become a regular in the new clubs, then come back to the old clubs. I kind of did this, when moving from Miami to Broward and then from Broward to West Palm Beach.

Now, that I told you the positives, there is a drawback you may lose windows of opportunities with some girls that frequent the club and are in that stage, before they get a boyfriend and the second drawback is that some of the bouncers in the club that let you in free may be gone. So keep this in mind, it may fuck up some dynamics.

Anyways, field test this shit! Out!





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