The Seducer relationship cycle

seducerThis is a common pattern that I have seen with many players/seducers/lovers/naturals, including the biggest names in the community such as tyler, mystery etc… I find myself in similar pattern, same cycle just different women….

Stage 1

Fucks a lot of girls and/or has a rotation of women (multiple women that he is dating and they all know about each other). This stage usually last from 6 month to 3 years before boredom, emptiness, fatigue kicks in.

Stage 2

Usually there is one that he unusually likes more than the rest and pair bonds with… In this stage is more fulfilling to spend more time with this girl vs rotation or new woman.. This stage can last 6 months to 3 years

Stage 3

Since he is a seducer and has skills, he gets the girl to fall madly in love with him, and he starts losing a bit of attraction, taking her for granted, craving to be free and with other woman.

Stage 4

2 possible outcomes:

a.- You get bored and dump the girl.

b.- After the constant neglect, manipulation, being taken advantage, lack of commitment and lack of progression in the relationship, the girl start reaching a breaking point and losing attraction (in this stage she goes from being the more invested in the relationship(one down) to the less invested in the relationship (one up).

Note.- During this stage the drama, nagging and demands increase which also makes the seducer want out.

Stage 5

4 possible outcomes:

a.- The seducer start pushing her away so she gets the hint and leaves.

b.- The seducer just dumps her doing some unforgivable shit!.

c.-The relationship dynamics start changing the girl is planning her escape, the dude noticed the change, the absence in validation and feminine energy, and tries to bring back the relationship to how it was “fix it” and “overcompensate with changes” which in turn pushes her away even more.(he starts losing control and gets a bit needy)

d.- The seducer and her start drifting away de-perbonding smoothly on a planned desigened by a seducer (a seducer name pure evil does this)

Stage 6

2 possible outcomes:

a.- The girl leaves and the same dude that wanted in the first place to be free so he can bang other women or be free, start missing her and wishing he would have done things different and be together. The thing is, this is the same dude that did not give a fuck, and wanted to be “free”.

b.- The seducer is super happy and relieved he got rid of the girl and has new freedom.

Stage 7

2 possible outcomes:

a.- Mourning/celibacy/heart break period (does not matter if there are other women or not).- 3 months – to 3 years (in my case usually 3 months).

b.- Happiness, relief and freedom. (Usually with pain in the ass suffocating women).

Stage 8

Rinse, wash and repeat aka back to stage 1, and the cycle repeats only with a different woman…

Some “normalfags” make look at this and feel sorry for us (seducers/lovers) as we feel bad for them (they are trapped/fucked). But, the difference between us and them is that we do not have the illusion of Disney “happily ever after”, we enjoy and cherish the relationships till the drama, demands (marriage, kids, rings, move in,provider role), unhappiness arrives, and we deal with it…. Our goal is HAPPINESS, so we take inventory of our situation, if we are happy great, if we are not, every girl is replaceable. We have the skills and ability to replace a girl, unlike some dudes that think “this is the best i am going to get”. Out!


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