Delaying relationship tactics

delayingRelationships are either growing (good), stalling (bad) or declining (horrible), please take a look at this beautiful article on the matter. But, here I am going to give you some delaying relationship tactics to help you buy some time in your enjoyment of the relationship that have worked for me successfully (I managed to delay one for almost 10 years).

I do not care how good you are, women have their own agenda and their price is “the ring on it” credit Beance. Women relationship status upgrades which is her agenda it is a skill in itself…. Even blackdragon is shopping for rings, just lol! anyways, nobody is immune…
These are some of the delay tactics i have used successfully:

The wife roleplay:

-Nicknanimg her “wife” or “wifi” or “finacee”

For example introduce her to people as your wife, “this is my wife”. (on the topic if you just met a girl at the club, roleplay with them with strangers, they love it, and then say that she left you for a black guy named Tyron due to your 2 inches and now you are getting back together to work on the marriage).

On valentines/Christmas etc… give her hallmark cards designed for “wife”.

instead of “babe” call her “wife”

I have field tested this and it does somewhat work as a delay tactic…

The wife projection speech: “so lets assume we get married today and we have the wedding and we change the relationship status in facebook? how would our relationship change??? Usually she will not be able to answer this…  Then tell her: “The communication won’t get better” “the sex wont get better” nothing and I mean nothing is going to change, wedding is societal programming and is antiquated, the rate of divorce is 50% and that is not taking into account sexless marriages, unhappy marriages and marriages of the 1950s” If you take into account HAPPY MARRIAGES, the rate is about less than 10%.”

Objections: “but this proves you love me”

answer: “I love my mom, my brother and my best friends, we are not married”

^repeat shit like that couple of times, but always let her be the one that sells you into “how will the relationship improve?” frame.

Moving in together delay tactics:”you have your place, I have my place and we only see each other when we absolutely want to see each other(you look your best, I look my best, we miss each other, we are both horny etc…, people that move in together are stuck with each other even when they do not feel they want to spend time with that person at least in that moment in time, get me?”

Girlfriend status delay tactic:

“Right now I date, most people settle, they rush to the boyfriend and girlfriend title, without knowing the other person, I date, and then if I get to know you and I decide to be exclusive with you, we will cross that fence when the time comes, or some variation of this speech… Always encourage her to date as well: “date multiple guys or look for a boyfriend, I don’t care, do what is best for you, I want you to be happy, and if you still want to be with me I am ok with that too, i am not the jealous/macho type and i do not judge, I believe women are sexual and people shame them calling them hoes/sluts etc… which is bs”.  If she press if you are sleeping with other women, grin or play stupid, or change the subject translation= yes subcommunication.

The beauty of this is while you are telling them to be free, some other dude is pushing her hard for commitment which ironically will make them lose attraction for them and increase attraction for you. Again women game is taming (once she achieves this will dry her vagina), men game is FREEDOM(which women hate, but will keep the vaginas moist).
Kids delay tactic:

Buy her a dog, then a cat, then another dog, then some other animal ( I did this with my Doctor ex-girlfriend back in the days)… By the time you ran out of animals the relationship will be over anyways. Remember after 3 years women typically get bored unless you grow in the relationship (animals, babies, marriage, moving in together,rings, travel etc… By the way men usually get bored after 3 months), then you can delay another 7 years but the most if you push it maybe 10 years (unless you keep popping babies), Or unless you are 55 plus and shit!.

ring delay:

Promise ring…

fake cubic zirconia ring

Women game is upgrades, they are looking for a boyfriend, husband etc… no matter how much of a hoe she is! Unless in a relationship already, and even then, they are looking for replacements if the perceived value better. Out!



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