In this “tales from the club” story I talk about how I met 2 really hot girls and they were competing over me (I got the number of the most aggressive one and I left)… Well, that girl contacted me to hang out:
cuban dancer roxi: Hopefully we will see you at roxys 10:34 PM
Me: oh cool! awesome!10:40 PM
When I met her the second time the vibe was not there. Why? cause I was cold and not in state (imagine you go to the gym and you do not warm up and lift a 70 pound dumbbell doing bicep curl right of the back, get me). Skills what the fuck is your point? As per my blog on “club dynamics“, the night and people have stages, during those stages personalities and behaviors change (review that blog if you don’t get it). I met them in the “arrival stage” aka beginning of the night.
As a consequence our interaction was “plain vanilla aka boring”, they first met this cool/aggressive/sexy guy/super confident/super fun, but now they met this ok/moderate/sexy guy/somewhat confident and in his head. Skills get to the point? OK, I made a rookie mistake and the goal of the post is for you, not to fuck it up like I did.
If you follow the “The skills method of dance floor seduction” I advice to go to a huge club with multiple rooms or multiple clubs within walking distance. So lets say you have to meet a girl at a club, instead of meeting her right of the back, DELAY MEETING HER, in other words either go to another room first (if a huge club) and/or go to another club prior to meeting her.
What this causes is for you to “get in a state” and meeting them in the “hook up stage of the night”, this allow you to double your game and efficiency.
Now compare that to last weekend when I got this text:
Kellie flash friend: Hey how are you 9:26 PM
Me: Mizzzz uzzzz 10:11 PM
Kellie flash friend: Miss you too 10:12 PM
Kellie flash friend: I’m going downtown for first time in forever, maybe see you there? 10:12 PM
Me: Kkk 10:13 PM
Kellie flash friend: Probably off the hookah 10:13 PM
Me: Kkk 10:13 PM
Now, if you do not learn from your game mistakes, you will never get better, instead of me going straight to “hookah” in the warm up stages of club dynamics. I went first to another club in my rotation called “roof top”, in roof top I did “meh”, in other words i did not really “hook” any girl that night for whatever reason, but that was not the goal, the goal was to go there an get in “State” aka “a fun, carefree, confident mood” and more importantly to warm up.
So I went to “hookah” and she was not there, she was gone. No problem, i went to the next club in my rotation named “Monarchy” and I ran into her, I was confident, energetic, charismatic, sexy and in state, that combined with the “hook up” stage of the night (again refer to my club dynamic article), made a killer combination.
In about 2 minutes I was making out with her, her female friend was all over me (she wanted me too) and girls from the club were drooling all over me.
After, the typical “skills method” aka fun, sexual arousal, isolation (pizza place), and pull. Unfortunately, fuck my life! The other dude (jack dude on steroids) failed to pull the other girl that was with my target, not entirely his fault, since she was throwing up all over the place (lol nasty). So my target had to play baby sitter and take her home.
So bottom line, if meeting girls at a club:
1.- Go early and get in state (by dancing and interacting with people, allow yourself minimum an hour to warm up)
2.- Then meet the target and at this point if you follow point 1 you will be much more attractive and cool.
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