(L-r) RYAN GOSLING as Jacob and EMMA STONE as Hannah in Warner Bros. Pictures’ comedy “CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE.” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.
Disclaimer.- If you are serious about seduction and getting good, I would advice to read this post, before proceeding to read this tale from the clubs.
Soon I will write a dumb down version on how to use sex talk (remember I have a horrible Latin accent so if i can use this you can). My Tale of the club goals are for someone to read it and actually pick up on the banter and stuff ( I picked this up reading teevester/tva-oslo 10 anniversary lay report and switch it to me and my own style.)
This is a lay were I do not use dance floor game, physical game or sexting, but pure verbal game from cold approach… I am going to call her another “don’t stop girl” cause she kept saying “don’t stop Please don’t stop” (second girl this year doing that shit, but sex was super super amazing)… Note:This year unlike other years one night stands have been amazing, after I was bitching about how I hate one night stands… (I don’t know if is a lucky string of good one night stand performers, or women have gotten cool with one night stands and are making them enjoyable)
about the girl: 8 plus, fake boobs, nice toned body (gym goer), nice ass, white, masters degree with money…
So here is the report:
I was so pissed with Online game about everything (before I mastered it, now I can meet any girl and fuck her right away from online), and I said to myself “fuck it I am going out with one new wing” called Cuban jacket (student of seduction, but still learning and not consistently good yet), I went to the area of clubs that closes at 2 am, then after they closed I drove to the area of clubs that has been suffering in night life, cause they close at 4 am…
Talking to one of the bouncers about women, game, the horrible state of our night life etc…
A Girl is walking with a really fancy dress, I open with:
Me: “look at you” (voice going up and down as in surprise)
Another don’t stop girl: She ask some question about the club
Me with a cold read with “you are not from here are you”
Another don’t stop girl:“no I am from so and so”
Me: before you ask I am from heaven according to my mom, the way you dress is not how women form west palm dress you will get a lot of women hating or a lot will like your dress a lot..
Me: I am Felipe nice to meet you! (shake hand) this is my friend (fuck my life forgot bouncers name)
Another don’t stop girl: you do not know his name
Bouncer introduces himself….
Me: this club is not good let’s go to bankos cantina (name of another club), but where are you friends? (finding out logistics a good looking girl like this alone is very unusual)
Another don’t stop girl: I ditched them cause they went to Delray (another area of clubs), and I did not feel like driving so far.
Now here I am thinking to myself bankos cantina has a bunch of dudes and distractions, in the club were I was with the bouncer probably dead so easier to keep her attention and run my game…
I tell her to follow me that i will be her tour guide, and we go upstairs, I say hi to everybody (social proof), I am trying to get her to dance, but this girl is not the dancing type, so I did just couple of moves but 0 dance floor seduction, the club was practically empty…
Bought her a drink, a girl came to talk about her dress, I told her “didn’t I tell you” and then bounce to another club (move locations)
So I start with strategic banter secret society as cosy post on second generation verbals.
Me: I know you told me you like better going out by yourself but you should not, is not like that down here, too many creepers..
Another don’t stop girl: I am not worried I carry some type of gun.. are you a creeper
Me: women have an intuition, women know, and you know I am not a creeper and what if a creeper comes you will start shooting…
Me as we go in the door of bankos: “hold my hand and pretend you are with me”
More social proof bouncer letting me in free…We go up the club and half of the club is saying hi to me and introducing themselves…
Now you may think this is good but this girl is thinking I am some type of high value and rich status guy…
Another don’t stop girl: what do you do?
Me: boy toy, nah just kidding I am stripper
Another don’t stop girl: no what do you do
Me: I am a certified dishwasher at maccdonals..
Another don’t stop girl: I am not stupid why everybody knows you, you must be somebody I am not stupid…
Now I know she is thinking I am some “club owner” or “high status” guy…
Me: nah I do many things, my full time job now is Microsoft, but I do some real estate on the side and I have self help youtube channel with a million plus views, blog and book…
Another don’t stop girl: you are lying (she is thinking I am some type of rich dude)
Some strangers from south Africa come and open us trying to take her from me…
Me: this is my wife she left me for a black dude name Tyrone cause I have 2 inches now she is back and I am so happy…
Strangers: weird look on the face…
Me: she is intro 3 somes, 4 somes and bukakke (bukakke is a fetish were women have multiple strangers cumming in her face)
Now cockblocks neutralized: “nah we are not into that”
We did some banter with questions and answers she told me she is going for a doctorate in teaching and some biz talk…. I told her what is heavier a pound of feather or pound of steel? This girl could not fucking answer right…( I am trying to get away from intellectual topics that dry vaginas, women will punish you for the convo. getting boring even if they are the ones bringing up boring shit).
I proceed to tease her for not knowing and choosing the steal, and she kept going on and on about that shit… that if you drop the steal the from empire state building, the steal would reach land faster, I told her that was not the question, and that she as a teacher should teach her students to understand the question. (polarization) For those of you that are slow in the brain department the right answer is that the steal and the feathers weight the same since a pound is a pound.
Another topic I discussed, since she was not letting me lead when we danced, was masculine roles: “listen the dude leads and the women take the feminine role, your hands belong to me when dancing…” She kept being rough and grabbing my neck, I told her there has to be polarity women now a days take the masculine role instead of the feminine role… I am an alpha man how would you feel if act like this (I started behaving like a feminine gay guy) and she said “omg a turn off I got it” …
Note is funny how masculine energy women (specially the ones that work out) become after me passing a bunch of shit tests, and me delivering that speech an actual feminine girly girl…
Me with a soft sexy voice, here is where I switch from grandmaster to sex talk (teevester)…
Sex talk opener: have you ever been with a latin guy?
Another don’t stop girl: yes, Colombian, Puerto rican, Cuban, and some others…
Now thankfully she did not mention my country
Me: oh but you never been with a (my nationality)
Another don’t stop girl: no
Me: well, typically people from my country don’t like sex (bait)
Another don’t stop girl: really
Me: yeah, as a matter of fact, we hate sex… what we like is good passionate sex, most dudes are cluless about sex, they put it in do couple of positions, cum and is like what the fuck, bang bang thank you mam… I like a deep passionate sex, were we can connect and explore each others bodies, a true friendship and meaning full sexual experience that leave the girl wanting more and more. Do you know most guys don’t even know that women can have 8 type of orgasms with the right guy?
Another don’t stop girl: no
Here I jump into the routine right away :
Me: the first orgasm you can give a girl is the breast orgasm, but is the weakest
Me: the second one is the mental orgasm you can stimulate the mind so much that the girl can cum for example a wet dream a lot of the orgasms starts with the mind of the woman
the the 3rd one is the clit orgasm= everybody is familiar with this one
Me: then there is the g spot orgasm with this one girls get exhausted though and need to drink tons of liquid you do it with your 2 middle fingers with the come to me motion at a pace then you do it upwards fast
Me:Then you have the u spot which is the sensitive areas around the vagina, genital lips, usually between the clit and the opening, this can be stimulated with the tongue before going to the clit girls go crazy lol
Me: Then you have the a spot which is situated right after the g-spot…further inside, this can be stimulated through deeeeeeeeeep penetration, and a big dick
Me: Then you have the deep spot the wall between her rectum and vagina (on the opposite side of her A-spot). girls who tend to enjoy doggy style tend to favor this spot.
Me: now guess the 8th orgasm
Me: the 8 th is a full body orgasm i only had 2 girls in my life get it, is that the pussy takes over the whole body making it shake like an exorcisim
^As I am delivering this I am doing tons of motion with my fingers, tongue and waist, really getting into it…
I keep bantering and the southafrican dudes come back, I keep playing retarded that if they are coming with us for the bukakke… and on and on about my dick being 2 inches (basically repeat same shit to neutralize them second time)
Now she is worried that I do have indeed 2 fucking inches, so start trying to grab my dick… I tell her not here not here…
They close the club and as we walk she ask me what can of car you drive?
Me: why do you care, are you trying to make me into a sugar daddy?
Never answered the question…
We got into my car (nice honda accord sport 2016, but not luxury of all the status she was hoping but she was hooked already)
Drove her to her car, she followed me home… Now she wanted a tour of my home lol (I am a minimalist and I have nice modern studio, but is bed a desktop a bathroom in a huge fancy house… But I love it cause the bed is right there…(my point is my subcommunication is a rich high class status guy lover but I am not lol, which is my point you can not drive your Ferrari to inside a club, or million dollar mansion is all in the subcommunication, by the time they realize this, my dick has been deep inside her pussy walls)
Amazing, super amazing sex, one of the best I have gotten… she was obsessed with my dick and the size of optimus prime…
Stay tune I will teach you guys step by step how to do the above routine in my next blog (I have fucked a dozen girl using that routine online and from clubs).
Just found your blog, been reading several articles, love them. Really like how you use the dont-like-sex-but-like-good-sex routine and 8 orgasms routine from Alek and adapt it to fit your style and vibe.
Good stuff man
thank you!