I am so pissed with one of my wings, who i am trying to help and teach, I call him “Depeche mode” because he peacocks with a hat similar to the one used in the “Personal Jesus” video…. See, I opened a Colombian and a Brazilian girl with dance floor game and introduce them to him. The Colombian was a hottie, the Brazilian was not…
But I took one for the team and seduced the Brazilian to keep her distracted and from cock blocking my wing… He managed to seduce and fuck the Colombian, he was so happy that he got laid, that decided to follow my method and advice. Unfortunately, he did not follow my texting and setting up the second encounter advice, instead he decided to use a lame ass “lets meet up”, of course that shit doesn’t work, and he pissed me off with that crap.
So here I will show you guys how is done, this is one of my best sexting ever.
In before “oh but this is online game” fuck you – i have done this a million times with girls from the clubs that i did not fuck for whatever reason, plus have gotten a bunch of dudes laid with that style, plenty of evidence all over the blog… Do a search on sexting.
Now for the guys that are interesting in my style of online game... Same process I described here aka open, qualifying, move her to google voice, then meet with the 3 bounce method,then close
This is some of my best sexting so far…. skip to second generation verbals if interested or highlighted parts a lot of brainwashing and a lot texting samples that you could use with girls you meet off line, i do basically the same stuff with club girls if i don’t fuck them the same night…… This girl was traumatized by a creeper who pulled out his dick, the day before our date, so she gave up on me and online, similar to what happened to this other girl.
So i totally flipped her…. If you are interested in learning second generation texting/sexting then read the whole thing, if not skip to highlighted parts… Is not boring as most texting logs you see from other players.
If you want skip to second generation verbals part…. You can use same game in person… Most gaming ONLINE AND IN PERSON, is letting women know you are a SECRET SOCIETY DUDE.
Here we go:
me: So you come to my profile and not say hi, how rude not hot enough for you
probably for the best, we would never get along anyways… We would have too much fun together
I am Felipe!
Julie pof nurse: Yea we would!
Mek apology accepted i like that answer, ready for your test???? How happy are you in your life from 1 to 10?
julie pof nurse:9
me: great! that is pretty high, specially for a nurse haha…. What are your 2 best qualities that have nothing to do with your looks?
julie pof nurse: I’m a good listener, and I am compassionate
What about you?
me: Humor and my relationship/people skills….. Julie i think you are safe enough and someone worth getting to know, anyways i am barely here text me at 561-@#$%@#$%$%$% text this is Julie pof so i know who you are…. I do not always text back right away, is not cause i am not interested, but cause i may be with a client…muazzz
when you see things such ass mms received/sent are pics of course….
Julie pof nurse: Julie, POF 6:27 PM
Julie pof nurse: MMS Received 6:27 PM
Me: look at you Julie….muy linda! 6:29 PM
Me: 315 where is that from? 6:29 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol hey 6:30 PM
Julie pof nurse: Syracuse,ny 6:31 PM
Me: oh boy! Nyorker, trouble! 6:32 PM
Me: how long you been here? 6:32 PM
Julie pof nurse: You know it 6:32 PM
Julie pof nurse: 2 months 6:33 PM
Me: Fresh meat! Gonna corrupt you and ruin it for the other dudes 6:33 PM
Julie pof nurse: Omg 6:33 PM
Me: what are running from, a break up or something 6:34 PM
Me: MMS Sent 6:35 PM
Me: jaw line game 6:35 PM
Julie pof nurse: No I’m here for recovery 6:35 PM
Me: MMS Sent 6:35 PM
Me: when are you going back? what is recovery? 6:36 PM
Julie pof nurse: Rehab 6:37 PM
Julie pof nurse: What are you showing me 6:38 PM
Me: sending you pics cause you send me your pic so you know is me 6:38 PM
Me: when you are going back to ny 6:39 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok6:39 PM
Me: plus to get you exited and motivated to looking forward to meet me wink 6:39 PM
Me: listen i am not familiar with rehab and stuff, is that like some type of facility were you have carefue and stuff… how does that work, i am ignorant 6:41 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes 6:45 PM
Julie pof nurse: It’s a house , sober living 6:46 PM
Me: so how do i get to meet you 6:52 PM
Me: what are the parameters 6:52 PM
Me: just so you know i am not judgmental i did Family counseling in the past 6:52 PM
Me: and i am 100% clean 6:52 PM
Me: remind me no to offer you drinks lol 6:53 PM
Julie pof nurse: When are you free? 6:59 PM
Me: I am usually free Weekdays after 8 pm (i am crazy busy weekdays) Pretty much free saturday and sunday nurse julie 7:00 PM
Me: not to be confused with nurse jackie 7:01 PM
Me:7:01 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ha I was just like her 7:07 PM
Me: I know, that is hot in a way though 7:09 PM
Me: i loved it 7:09 PM
Me: i used to binge watch 7:09 PM
Me: my ex of 10 years was a nurse too 7:09 PM
Julie pof nurse: So you understand us lol 7:18 PM
Julie pof nurse: We’re good in bed 7:18 PM
Me: oh definetly 7:31 PM
Me: teachers and nurses are amazing 7:31 PM
Me: but nurses are a bit more stressed out so they tend to be better 7:31 PM
Me: wink 7:32 PM
Me: now a nurse in recovery = atomic bomb 7:32 PM
Me: lol 7:32 PM
Julie pof nurse: For sure 7:33 PM
Me: Nurse Julie! 2:56 PM
Me: what are you doing besides thinking of me and smiling? 2:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 3:15 PM
Julie pof nurse: So.. what’s your name. What do you do for work? 3:45 PM
Me: My name is Felipe, people call me Diesel… my main job is Julies future lover 4:35 PM
Me: but i do real estate and investements, consulting with Microsoft biz services and coaching self help and martial arts a a lot stuff, busy man 4:36 PM
Me: how does your schedule looks like i want to meet you before you leave, hopefully you like me so much you stay 4:36 PM
Me:4:36 PM
Me: and live happily never after 4:36 PM
Me: and we make the notebook part 2 4:37 PM
Me:4:37 PM
Julie pof nurse: All I got out of that was Julie’s future lover lol 4:41 PM
Me: great that is my main profession and mission 4:42 PM
Me: you get me 4:42 PM
Me: future ex wife 4:42 PM
Me: cum see me 4:42 PM
Me: can’t wait to meet you 4:42 PM
Julie pof nurse: Same 4:42 PM
Me: i think will have fun and get along 4:42 PM
Me: i have good radar 4:43 PM
Julie pof nurse: No it’s really not 4:43 PM
Me: misspelled 4:43 PM
Me: on porpuse 4:43 PM
Julie pof nurse: It’s yours? 4:43 PM
Me: ah 4:43 PM
Me: wha 4:43 PM
Julie pof nurse: Haha 4:43 PM
Julie pof nurse: We’ll see 4:44 PM
Me: whatever stop being negative 4:44 PM
Julie pof nurse: Too soon to say, why because I have a pussy lol 4:45 PM
Julie pof nurse: You must if you like me4:45 PM
Julie pof nurse: Huh 4:47 PM
Julie pof nurse: What are you talking about? 4:48 PM
Julie pof nurse: It was a jk I’m not a negative person 4:50 PM
Me: I know you are Jule i am kidding too 4:51 PM
Me: when are we finally meeting look at your calendar…. 4:51 PM
Me: and tell me where you are comming from so i can give you directions 4:52 PM
Me: or if you want me to pick you up 4:52 PM
Julie pof nurse: Where do you live? 4:52 PM
Julie pof nurse: When are you free next? 4:53 PM
Me: I live in Lantana and 95 4:53 PM
Me: ok i am usually free Every day but friday after 8 pm 4:53 PM
Julie pof nurse: What town 4:53 PM
Me: lake worth/west palm 4:53 PM
Me: you? 4:53 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok so I can do Saturday or Sunday night 4:54 PM
Julie pof nurse: Pompano Beach 4:54 PM
Me: lets do Saturday, do you drive? 4:55 PM
Me: or do i have to pick you up 4:56 PM
Me: Nurse Julie 4:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: I drive, but I don’t have a car here 4:56 PM
Me: k so i pick you up 4:57 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yea if you want 4:57 PM
Me: and show you around 4:57 PM
Me: have you been to Delray 4:57 PM
Me: ? 4:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 4:58 PM
Me: have you been to clematis 4:58 PM
Me: ? 4:58 PM
Me: where have you been to? 4:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: No where except here and ft lauderdale 4:59 PM
Me: omg, k i show you around 4:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol ok 5:00 PM
Me: you see how hot and how much fun i am, we will be the hot couple 5:00 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol ok 5:01 PM
Julie pof nurse: You sound fun 5:01 PM
Me: well thank you 5:03 PM
Me: hopefully i ruin it for everybody else 5:04 PM
Me:5:04 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ha! 5:04 PM
Julie pof nurse: MMS Received 5:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: Me and one of my roommates 5:56 PM
Me: i don’t do 3 somes, but if you insist,5:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 5:59 PM
Me: as a matter of fact the other day i had a 3 some with my left hand, my right hand and micki minaj 6:00 PM
Me: based on true events6:00 PM
Julie pof nurse: Aah 6:00 PMJulie pof nurse: Hey sexy 9:53 PM
Me: My name is not hey and my nickname is not sexy is Felipe aka nurse Julie future lover :-), sorry been busy as fuck, just dealing with some tenants… anyways, can’t wait to meet you manana… muahzzz! Heading out! talk to you tomorrow! 10:31 PM
Julie pof nurse: K 10:32 PM
Me: Nurse Julie! 4:49 PM
Julie pof nurse: Hi , I had a bad experience with someone last night off Pof, I don’t think I wanna chance it again ok? 4:54 PM
Me: was that me???? i did not go out with you last night… Do you want me to try to convince that everybody is different or you really don’t want to come out? 4:57 PM
Julie pof nurse: I really don’t know , he made me feel like shit 5:02 PM
Julie pof nurse: What exactly do you want to do? 5:02 PM
Me: should i judge you for the bad experiences i had with other women(though that hardly happens) 5:02 PM
Me: Well i wanted to pick you up and show you around, there are many places and things to do were i was taking you, could you please check my profile, and the convos we had in pof 5:04 PM
Julie pof nurse: Sure 5:04 PM
Me: specially my 2 best qualities in the last convo 5:05 PM
Me: (here i copy and pasted privious convo to make a point) Julie pof nurse: What about you? LatinDiesel4/24/2018 4:45:09 PM Humor and my relationship/people skills….. Julie i think you are safe enough and someone worth getting to know, anyways i am barely here text me at 561-#$%#$%#$%#$$# text this is Julie pof so i know who you are…. I do not always text back right away, is not cause i am not interested, but cause i may be with a client…muazzz 5:05 PM
Me: “realtionship/people skills 5:05 PM
Me: i am sure if that dude made you feel like shit, he sucks at relationships/people skills 5:06 PM
Me:5:06 PM
Me: Nurse Julie 5:06 PM
Me: can you share some details on what happened last night nurse Julie 5:07 PM
Me: by the way i had a date and it was great lol! 5:07 PM
Julie pof nurse: Well we talked constantly all week, he told me he was taking me out to dinner and back to his house. He picked me up and drove a minute down the street to a dead end and pulled behind a dumpster and started unzipping his pants, he said come here, I said your taking me parking?! Lol I said take me home! And he kicked me out of the car 5:13 PM
Me: wholly fuck 5:13 PM
Me: omg 5:13 PM
Me: that is a psycho 5:13 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yea 5:14 PM
Me: now i am going to speculate and tell you were you went wrong 5:14 PM
Me: cause that is not a normal guy behavior 5:15 PM
Me: i bet you that through the week you spoke with a lot sexual innuindos 5:15 PM
Me: and you may have teased him a bit too much 5:15 PM
Julie pof nurse: I really have no business being on this site, I respect myself and I’m not desperate 5:15 PM
Me: you can deny all you want 5:15 PM
Me: but i know that happened 5:15 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 5:15 PM
Me: for a guy with low social skills to act so bold 5:15 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes 5:16 PM
Me: you need to screen better 5:16 PM
Me: notice how with my profile i super screen just by my profile i polirize 5:17 PM
Me: then i ask the right questions 5:17 PM
Me: depending on the answer i get feel for the person 5:17 PM
Me: most of the time i am super right 5:17 PM
Me: most of my problems is when the women catfish 5:17 PM
Julie pof nurse: What do you mean? 5:18 PM
Me: they put pics of them and they don’t look anything like that in person 5:18 PM
Me: and even with those girls i do not make them feel bad 5:18 PM
Me: *screen 5:18 PM
Me: lol my english my bad 5:18 PM
Julie pof nurse: Haha 5:19 PM
Julie pof nurse: MMS Received 5:19 PM
Julie pof nurse: No makeup 5:19 PM
Julie pof nurse: Last night 5:19 PMMe: you went out like that with no bra… problem number 1 with the creeper 5:20 PM
Me: let me tell you about my date 5:20 PM
Me: well it was not a date 5:20 PM
Julie pof nurse: No!! 5:21 PM
Julie pof nurse: I was going to bed 5:21 PM
Me: yes 5:21 PM
Me: oh ok 5:21 PM
Me: also i hate trying to sell a girl to have sex with me, or push her to have sex with me… that is horrible 5:22 PM
Me: good sex requires a genuine desire from the girls part 5:22 PM
Me: otherwise is a waste of time 5:22 PM
Me: that guy you went out last night clearly does not get laid 5:23 PM
Julie pof nurse: It’s a huge turnoff 5:23 PM
Julie pof nurse: Right 5:23 PM
Me: of cours 5:23 PM
Me: e 5:23 PM
Me: shows that he did not want to get to know you 5:23 PM
Me: all he wanted was sex 5:23 PM
Me: i can not just have sex, specially macdonald sex 5:23 PM
Me: for me to have sex, there needs to be mutual vibe, we have to get along etc… and is a byproduct of a good interaction and not the goal 5:24 PM
Me: if we go out and we have no sex great 5:24 PM
Me: if we have great too, but is not my goal at all 5:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: What’s that 5:24 PM
Me: my goal is to meet you 5:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: Oh 5:25 PM
Me: anyways, mami you are probably traumatized lol, you should have waited for me hahaha, i told you i would ruin it for every other guy 5:26 PM
Me: now that dude ruined it for everyother guy in a negative way 5:26 PM
Me: geeezzz 5:26 PM
Me: i had the same goal but in a positive way get it 5:27 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes I know lol 5:28 PM
Me: Well let me know what you decide, and i respect your decision… And understand you are in dating trauma recoveryi promise not to take you to a dumpster and i promise not to pull out my dick and i promise not to throw you out… Actually the bar of doing better is soooooo low lol 5:33 PM
Me: MMS Sent 5:34 PM
Me: change pic to dick pull out 5:34 PM
Me: thank you 5:34 PM
Julie pof nurse: That’s hilarious! 5:37 PM
Julie pof nurse: Can you send me a pic of you right now? Like take it now? 5:38 PM
Me: i look the same lol 5:41 PM
Me: i was going to the gym 5:41 PM
Me: but wait let me take one 5:41 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 5:42 PM
Me: MMS Sent 5:43 PM
Julie pof nurse: Mmmm ty! 5:45 PM
Me: no shaven sweaty ugly, but tonight i probably look like this 5:45 PM
Me: MMS Sent 5:45 PM
Me: MMS Sent 5:46 PM
Me: or like that 5:46 PM
Me: anyways let me know mama 5:46 PM
Julie pof nurse: I like no shaven 5:46 PM
Julie pof nurse: Oh that looks good though 5:46 PM
Me: i know but you like it tream and kept 5:47 PM
Me: i look good in person i don’t look good in pics anywas 5:47 PM
Julie pof nurse: Your hot!!! But I know you know that 5:47 PM
Me: no i am not 5:47 PM
Me: and i don’t pull out pipis 5:47 PM
Me: in dumpsters 5:48 PM
Me: i need to step up my pull out pipi dumpster game 5:48 PM
Julie pof nurse: No mustache, who’s the girl? 5:48 PM
Me: a friend in halloween i don’t have a mustache is called disconnected beard 5:48 PM
Me: MMS Sent 5:49 PM
Me: see that model that is the beard type i like 5:49 PM
Me: most models have it 5:49 PM
Me: that is the model i follow and dress like 5:49 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok text me when your done and I’ll let you know 5:49 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol stop 5:50 PM
Me: no i can’t mama 5:50 PM
Me: you need to tell me if is yes or no, so i can make plans now 5:50 PM
Julie pof nurse: Do you have a back up plan in case? Or was I it? Lol 5:50 PM
Julie pof nurse: Oh sorry lol 5:50 PM
Me: no is not that 5:51 PM
Me: is that people hit me up “what are you doing tonight” 5:51 PM
Me: so if i have plans with you 5:51 PM
Me: i blocking other plans 5:51 PM
Me: *i am 5:51 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 5:51 PM
Me: and is almost 6 5:52 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok then make other plans. I promise another time. Can you tomorrow? 5:54 PM
Me: ok tomorrow better 5:54 PM
Me: trauma probably gone by then5:54 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes , I promise tomorrow, however if your bored later , oh you live far away right? 5:55 PM
Julie pof nurse: Nevermind tomorrow 5:56 PM
Me: lol 5:56 PM
Me: don’t go on another trauma date tonight 5:56 PM
Me: please i ain’t selling you again tomorrow nurse julie 5:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: Sorry it’s been 3 months 5:57 PM
Julie pof nurse: What? 5:57 PM
Me: don’t go on another pof trauma date tonight with some creeper 5:58 PM
Me: i am not gonna persuade you again tomorrow lol 5:58 PM
Me: I want you to want to want to meet me 5:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m not you’ll get me first 5:58 PM
Me: out of desire not obligation 5:58 PM
Me: or persuasion 5:59 PM
Me:5:59 PM
Me: muahzz have fun 5:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: Nevermind then 5:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 5:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: I do want to 6:00 PM
Me:6:00 PM
Julie pof nurse: Bye 6:00 PM
Me: brb let me get the napkin to wipe my tears and eat chocolate… 6:00 PM
Me:6:00 PM
Me: there goes nurse Julie 6:00 PM
Me:6:00 PM
Me: bye have fun 6:01 PM
Julie pof nurse: What 6:01 PM
Me: me joking being silly adios enfermera julia 6:02 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok text me manana 6:08 PM
Julie pof nurse: As a matter of fact let’s set up a time for tomorrow and I’ll give you my address. Something tells me I would be missing out on something big with you 7:08 PM
Me: Big I don’t send dick pics how did you know? 7:14 PM
Me: 9 or so 7:15 PM
Julie pof nurse: It’s Sunday , I was thinking like 4. 7:18 PM
Me: Damn so early what is the latest you can do 7:22 PM
Me: Sorry butt dialed 7:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: My curfew is 830 tomorrow and then it changes to 10 on weekdays and 12 on weekend 7:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: We don’t have to meet it’s ok if you can’t 7:25 PM
Me: Dammmm 7:52 PM
Me: 7:52 PM
Julie pof nurse: I know lol. You left a whole conversation on my voicemail lol 7:55 PM
Me: I did 7:55 PM
Me: Lol 7:55 PM
Me: I was fighting with some girl about Jeans 7:56 PM
Me: Face palm 7:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: I love yuyzo 7:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: Y 7:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: Joking 7:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: Your funny 7:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: My phone is sticking 7:59 PM
Me: You mean jujitsu 7:59 PM
Me: 4 it is 7:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lmao exactly 7:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: So is your date as cute as me tonight? 8:00 PM
Me: I like that dress picture 8:01 PM
Julie pof nurse: Really?! Good. I’m happy your coming 8:01 PM
Me: You have so probably not 8:01 PM
Me: What is your background 8:01 PM
Julie pof nurse: You mean nationality 8:02 PM
Julie pof nurse: Guess 8:02 PM
Me: From heaven like me 8:03 PM
Me: We are angels 8:03 PM
Me: 8:03 PM
Julie pof nurse: I like this pic 8:06 PM
Julie pof nurse: MMS Received 8:06 PM
Me: That cleavage uhhmmm I mean nice eyes 8:07 PM
Me: Ups 8:07 PM
Me: Text me the address 8:08 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ha 8:08 PM
Me: Gonna put alarm for carefeu 8:09 PM
Me: Need to calculate distance 8:09 PM
Julie pof nurse: What kind of car do you drive 8:10 PM
Me: And look for dumpsters near by 8:10 PM
Julie pof nurse:#$%!#$!@#$!$%!@#$%!#$%$#%st Pompano Beach 33064 8:10 PM
Me: 8:10 PM
Julie pof nurse: I have a favorite I like to go to lol 8:11 PM
Me: MMS Sent 8:12 PM
Me: Accord sport 8:12 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 8:13 PM
Julie pof nurse: How long will it take you? 8:16 PM
Me: Dunno yet 8:17 PM
Me: I will let you know 8:17 PM
Julie pof nurse: Kk 8:17 PM
Me: I was working the dumpster first 8:17 PM
Me: 8:17 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 8:18 PM
Me: 8:18 PM
Julie pof nurse: You really like that dumpster idea 8:18 PM
Me: Totally 8:19 PM
Me: Nurse Julie 2:28 PM
Me:2:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: Hi baby. I have an emergency with a friend so it may be a little later. I’m at ft lauderdale airport picking him up he overdosed this week, I have to drop him and run home and shower 2:37 PM
Me: ok cool i understand with me no worries, i am super flexible 2:38 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok yea he’s 19 and scared . 2:40 PM
Me: not a good situation 2:40 PM
Julie pof nurse:2:41 PM
Julie pof nurse: he’ll be ok once I get him 2:41 PM
Me: of course you are nurse julie 2:41 PM
Me:2:41 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes! 2:42 PM
Julie pof nurse: How was your night? 2:57 PM
Me: not good 2:58 PM
Me:2:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: Why? Lol 2:58 PM
Me: cause you were not with me close to a dumpster 2:58 PM
Me:2:58 PM
Me: and me pulling out my beloved pipi after driving 5 minutes 2:59 PM
Me:2:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: Fuck you! Lol 2:59 PM
Me: see how romantic i can be2:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: Stop 3:00 PM
Me: i can’t stop thinking of you and smiling 3:00 PM
Me: sorry 3:00 PM
Me:3:00 PM
Me: boom 3:00 PM
Julie pof nurse: Would you want to hang out in Pompano and go out to eat with another couple and then see if we’re good? 3:01 PM
Julie pof nurse: Just cause we’ll be short on time 3:01 PM
Julie pof nurse: If not it’s ok 3:01 PM
Me: when are you planning to come back 3:02 PM
Julie pof nurse: What 3:02 PM
Me: when are you going to be home 3:02 PM
Julie pof nurse: His flight just landed waiting for him to get off 3:03 PM
Julie pof nurse: We can be alone it’s fine 3:04 PM
Me: I tell you what lets play it by ear, yeah i don’t do that double date stuff 3:04 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 3:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: Leaving airport now 3:43 PM
Me: okay 3:44 PM
Julie pof nurse: How far are you from me? 4:02 PM
Me: 20 min. 4:03 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m on my way home , stuck in traffic 4:03 PM
Me: k don’t worry about it maybe next week is better… 4:04 PM
Julie pof nurse:4:04 PM
Julie pof nurse: Up to you 4:05 PM
Me: it will be too late, the ideal day to see you with the carfue and all that stuff is probably a Saturday to be honest that way it does not feel so rush… 4:06 PM
Me: plus there was an emergency 4:06 PM
Me: which takes priority 4:06 PM
Me: and is understandable 4:06 PM
Me: plus the trauma lololol 4:07 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 4:12 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m really sorry about today. 9:07 PM
Me: there is nothing to apologize my beautiful nurse 9:08 PM
Me:9:08 PM
Me: * apologize fo 9:08 PM
Me: r 9:08 PM
Me: darn can’t spell 9:08 PM
Julie pof nurse: You really are very attractive and intelligent which is rare lol 9:13 PM
Me: reallyyyy, please tell me more.. don’t stop 9:14 PM
Me: taking a screen shot 9:14 PM
Me:9:14 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m sure your ego gets stroked often lol 9:18 PM
Me: the only thing i strike a lot with my right hand is optimus prime, aka goliath aka empire state post 9/11, aka beloved pipi, aka paco but my ex used to call him two incher when she was mad…. 9:20 PM
Me: so no 9:20 PM
Me: nurse julie 9:20 PM
Me: what are you doing besides thinking of me and smiling anyways??? 9:20 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m just getting home my friends and I were at the beach 9:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: What are you doing? 9:24 PM
Me: not you,unfortunatly 9:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: I know9:25 PM
Me: awww 9:41 PM
Julie pof nurse: One of my roommates just snuck out lol 9:48 PM
Me: uhmm not good 10:12 PM
Me: don’t sneak out unless is for me 10:12 PMJulie pof nurse: I would lol 11:18 AM
Julie pof nurse: I’m free Friday, Saturday, or Sunday until 11 pm. So let me know. This is going to happen lol. 10:49 PM
Me: ok… Maybe Sunday 4 again…. 11:02 PMSecond generation verbals:
Julie pof nurse: Ok.. if not it’s ok I know I canceled twice. But I’m free all weekend. 2:03 PM
Me: well lets try not to cancel and make it happened! 2:04 PM
Julie pof nurse: I won’t cancel my Latin sex god! Lol 2:05 PM
Me: how do you know about the sex god stuff 2:0 PM
Julie pof nurse: Really trying to have you be my first2:06 PM
Me: how do you know about the sex god stuff seriously??? 2:06 PM
Julie pof nurse: I just know 2:07 PM
Me: come on be honest did you find my article is that how??? 2:08 PM
Julie pof nurse: What’s 2:09 PM
Me: i wrote an article talking about sex etc… were i mentioned the exact words you said lol 2:10 PM
Me: so it freaked me out 2:10 PM
Me: i am like how did she find that article 2:10 PM
Julie pof nurse: Are you serious?’ Idk your name lol how would I? 2:15 PM
Julie pof nurse: That’s a sign I’m worth coming to meet lol 2:15 PM
Me: it just you used the exact same words i used in the article, so i thought “wholly shit how did she find out the article” 2:16 PM
Me: i am not even joking i am being honest 2:16 PM
Julie pof nurse: Haha that’s crazy 2:16 PM
Me: exactly it scared me a little bit 2:17 PM
Me: i will show you the article 2:17 PM
Me: lol 2:17 PM
Me: when i see you 2:17 PM
Me: so you see i am telling you the truth 2:17 PM
Julie pof nurse: Now I want to read it 2:17 PM
Me: ok i will show it to you, but i describe some sexual tecniques that are really effective but i don’t to jinsy it 2:18 PM
Me: or whatever the name of the word is 2:18 PM
Me: if you read it now, you will not have that element of surprised and aticipation and may ruin the experience if it happens 2:18 PM
Me: I was boomed out cause i had the feeling that you are a cool girl sexually open, and i think is part of who you are, and unfortunately you express who you were to the wrong guy who turn out to be a creeper 2:20 PM
Me: so the creeper got all exited and miss calibrated the behavior 2:20 PM
Me: that is why he ended up doing what he did 2:21 PM
Julie pof nurse: Omg that’s exactly how I am 2:22 PM
Me: guys like that gives guys that me a bad reputition, not only that they ruin the experience for the girl, and make the girl be more guarded and hide their sexuality 2:22 PM
Me: *guys like me 2:22 PM
Julie pof nurse: And he is a creeper 2:22 PM
Me: of course 2:23 PM
Julie pof nurse: I was very open unfortunately 2:23 PM
Me: yes i knew that 2:23 PM
Julie pof nurse: I won’t do that again 2:23 PM
Me: well you have to be careful 2:23 PM
Me: let me explain it to you 2:23 PM
Julie pof nurse: Haha 2:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 2:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: I like talking about sex though lol 2:25 PM
Me: men perceive women as either plain whores, who are just sex tools without, who are useless when it comes to relationships, or “madonnas”, which men perceives as pure and good 2:26 PM
Me: These “madonnas” being known as the pure and correct women, are often perceived by men as better fitted for relationships. 2:26 PM
Me: Women aware of the following will then act in way that communicates that she is a Madonna – in order words she will behave very a-sexually toward male who they perceive as potential relationship candidates. This is because they believe, and they are right in most of the case that men usually do prefer women that are “pure and correct” because men fantasize about women that are exclusive to them. 2:27 PM
Me: The sad fact is that the idea of the pure Madonna remains just a plain fantasy. The cold fact is that no women are pure madonnas, neither are they whores for that instance – any women can be sweet and correct, but they are also “whores” as every women have a sexual biological drive – this is a universal truth about healthy women. Still many men believe some madonnas do exist – we have all heard “she is not like the rest”. 2:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: So I’m your sex tool 2:28 PM
Me: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 2:28 PM
Me: read it 2:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 2:28 PM
Me: the dude you went out with thought since you are “sexually open” you were a “whore” cause he is one of these dudes that think black and white 2:29 PM
Me: so that is why he pull out his dick all uncalibrated 2:29 PM
Me: that is why i am showing you the article that describes madonna/whore comples that most dudes have 2:30 PM
Me: specially that creeper 2:30 PM
Julie pof nurse: It makes sense 2:31 PM
Me: i am different for me sex, sex talk, etc… is not big deal 2:32 PM
Me: is something normal to me 2:32 PM
Me: i am very sexually open and women feel safe and not judge with me 2:32 PM
Julie pof nurse: Same! I respect myself but I enjoy sex 2:33 PM
Me: i don’t like sex 2:35 PM
Me: in fact i hate sex 2:35 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 2:35 PM
Me: what i like is really good sex, i hope you have standards too and feel the same 2:37 PM
Me: i hate the macdonald sex: bang bang thank you mom sex 2:37 PM
Julie pof nurse: Omg absolutely 2:37 PM
Me: what I like is real passionate sex were I can connect with the girl and give her all type of unimaginable pleasures and open them up sexually in a way that they feel relaxed or not judge 2:38 PM
Julie pof nurse: I don’t like to waste my time, I’m not talking to other guys in depth about this right now, I’m investing in you because I have a good feeling 2:38 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yep your what I need lol 2:39 PM
Me: actually i am kind of jealous of you girls 2:40 PM
Julie pof nurse: Why 2:40 PM
Me: cause guys only can have one type of orgasm 2:41 PM
Me: women can have up to 8 different type of orgasms with the RIGHT GUY 2:41 PM
Me: of course most dudes, and not even women know they can do this lol 2:42 PM
Julie pof nurse: Really? 2:42 PM
Me: yep 2:42 PM
Me: even women in the medical profession do not know this lol 2:42 PM
Julie pof nurse: Obviously lol 2:43 PM
Me: do you know which ones they are 2:43 PM
Me: ? 2:43 PM
Julie pof nurse: No babe 2:44 PM
Me: ok hear me out don’t type until i finish 2:44 PM
Me: the first orgasm you can give a girl is the breast orgasm, but is the weakest 2:44 PM
Me: the second one is the mental orgasm you can stimulate the mind so much that the girl can cum for example a wet dream a lot of the orgasms starts with the mind of the woman 2:45 PM
Me: the the 3rd one is the clit orgasm= everybody is familiar with this one 2:46 PM
Me: then there is the g spot orgasm with this one girls get exhausted though and need to drink tons of liquid you do it with your 2 middle fingers with the come to me motion at a pace then you do it upwards fast 2:46 PM
Me: Then you have the u spot which is the sensitive areas around the vagina, genital lips, usually between the clit and the opening, this can be stimulated with the tongue before going to the clit girls go crazy lol 2:47 PM
Me: Then you have the a spot which is situated right after the g-spot…further inside, this can be stimulated through deeeeeeeeeep penetration, and a big dick 2:48 PM
Me: Then you have the deep spot the wall between her rectum and vagina (on the opposite side of her A-spot). girls who tend to enjoy doggy style tend to favor this spot. 2:49 PM
Me: now can you guess which one is number 8?????????????????????????? 2:50 PM
Julie pof nurse: No 2:52 PM
Me: the 8 th is a full body orgasm i only had 2 girls in my life get it, is that the pussy takes over the whole body making it shake like an exorcisim 2:55 PM
Me: kind of scary 2:58 PM
Me:2:59 PM
Me: Nurse julie 2:59 PM
Me: are you there 2:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes 3:02 PM
Julie pof nurse: Sorry I’m shower 3:02 PM
Me: lol 3:02 PM
Me: i got you that horny you had to take a shower 3:02 PM
Me: lol 3:02 PM
Julie pof nurse: I have had the fourth one a lot is that when buckets of water pour out lol 3:03 PM
Me: yes 3:04 PM
Julie pof nurse: I don’t think I could orgasm from the mind one. I wish I could 3:04 PM
Me: you can 3:04 PM
Me: did you get really horny reading my stuff 3:05 PM
Me: i bet you did 3:05 PM
Me: that is your mind 3:05 PM
Me: picturing and thinking about all the possibilities 3:05 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes. You can’t get me until Sunday? Lol 3:19 PM
Me: ok Saturday for you Nurse Julie 3:20 PM
Me: but that is it, don’t push for Friday 3:20 PM
Me: i am canceling my saturday date for you 3:20 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol ok 3:20 PM
Me: if you text me “i went out friday and had a horrible experience” 3:22 PM
Me: i am gonna shot myself lol 3:22 PM
Julie pof nurse: Why? 3:22 PM
Me: you did not get it lol 3:23 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 3:23 PM
Me: re read 3:23 PM
Me: so anyways, i gave you plenty of evidence to make you feel comfortable 3:24 PM
Me: and open up to me 3:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 3:24 PM
Me: i promise that even if you open up to me 3:24 PM
Me: i have no expectations 3:24 PM
Me: cause still as i told you we need to vive and get along 3:24 PM
Me: etc… 3:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes you did 3:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: I will open myself up to you 3:25 PM
Me: ok cool i hope so 3:26 PM
Julie pof nurse: I know that 3:27 PM
Me: cause i took a lot of risk opening myself up to you, cause sometimes if you show your sexual god side women get scare and think “it has to happen” when even if we go out and NOTHING happens it still will not change our friendship 3:27 PM
Me: some guys if they don’t “get the sex” like the creeper 3:27 PM
Me: get angry 3:27 PM
Me: and start yelling and putting down women 3:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m completely with you 3:29 PM
Me: In their creeper heads they think is a transaction ” i do this, therefore she must do that” = which is why they never get their way 3:29 PM
Me: is manipulation 3:29 PM
Me: is not honest/genuine 3:29 PM
Me: women can sense that 3:29 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes 3:32 PM
Me: i think i am boring you to death lol 3:33 PM
Me: sorry 3:33 PM
Me: your turn now 3:33 PM
Julie pof nurse: Your not boring me at all. 3:35 PM
Julie pof nurse: What do you want to do Saturday? I have until 12! lol 3:35 PM
Me: i am going to show you, a cool place in downtown (multiple things to do there, bands, shops, places to eat, places to dance) so i got you, if you have till 12, lets do 6 better 3:38 PM
Me: that way i can work a bit 3:38 PM
Me: and no no dumpster date, sorry 3:39 PM
Me: and no no pulling out of “optimus prime” sorry 3:39 PM
Me:3:39 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok lol. Downtown where? 3:48 PM
Me: Downtown lantana you never been there 3:52 PM
Me: cause downtown palm beach there is a festival 3:52 PM
Me: this weekend 3:52 PM
Me: plus it think you will like it better cause is kind of like new york 3:52 PM
Me: don’t worry you will have tons of fun 3:53 PM
Me:3:53 PM
Me: wear that cute dress you had in pof for me , i love it 3:53 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok4:14 PM
Me: shit i know to avoid bars and places with alcohol right??? 4:21 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes sorry. 4:22 PM
Me: ok cool! 4:22 PM
Me: i don’t drink or do drugs anyways 4:22 PM
Julie pof nurse: Do you drink a lot? 4:22 PM
Me: remember i teach martial arts… 4:22 PM
Me: no i don’t drink at all 4:22 PM
Julie pof nurse: Send me a new pic 4:22 PM
Me: or do drugs 4:22 PM
Me: ok 4:22 PM
Me: you do the same 4:22 PM
Julie pof nurse: Love it! 4:23 PM
Me: let me sent you, one new york style for a change 4:24 PM
Me: MMS Sent 4:24 PM
Me: ny style clothing 4:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: Good! 4:24 PM
Me: MMS Sent 4:25 PM
Me: martial arts 4:25 PM
Me: lol 4:25 PM
Me: MMS Sent 4:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol ok 4:26 PM
Me: send me some of yours sexy ones 4:26 PM
Julie pof nurse: MMS Received 4:29 PM
Me: dammmm 4:54 PM
Me: hot 4:54 PM
Me: uhmmm 4:54 PM
Me: sexy 4:54 PM
Julie pof nurse: What 4:54 PM
Me:4:54 PM
Me: uhmmmm 4:55 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ty 4:55 PM
Me: now optimus prime is acting up 4:55 PM
Me: lots of movement 4:55 PM
Julie pof nurse:4:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: Your sexy 4:56 PM
Me: wait i am almost there 4:56 PM
Me: busted 3.4 time to the pic4:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lmao 4:56 PM
Me: could not make it to 4 4:56 PM
Me: i was drained 4:56 PM
Me:4:57 PM
Me: what is your back ground 4:57 PM
Julie pof nurse: Shut up 4:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: What do you mean ? 4:59 PM
Me: heritage 4:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: Irish and German . Why? 5:00 PM
Me: just curious 5:01 PM
Me: what body part guys like the most about you 5:01 PM
Julie pof nurse: My eyes, my chest lol , my legs 5:02 PM
Julie pof nurse: What do you like? 5:02 PM
Me: well my beloved pipi, busted to every part of you so far 5:03 PM
Me: i told you i could not make it to 45:03 PM
Me:5:03 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 5:03 PM
Julie pof nurse: I have a big ass, some like some don’t 5:04 PM
Me: i love a big ass 5:04 PM
Me: when doing doggy or when the girl on top it squezzes your cock , amazing feeling 5:04 PM
Julie pof nurse:5:04 PM
Me: i was looking forward to ass pic5:05 PM
Me: german girls have big booties 5:05 PM
Me: that is why i ask your background 5:06 PM
Julie pof nurse: Oh ok I can’t ever get one I like 5:07 PM
Me: i am going to give you tips 5:07 PM
Me: high shoes help to get a good angle 5:07 PM
Me: arch your back 5:07 PM
Me: put the phone down and take it from down up 5:08 PM
Me: what women like in an ass is not what guys like in an ass 5:08 PM
Me: what white guys like in an ass is not what latin and black guys like in an ass 5:08 PM
Me: the problem is white guys have average cocks so they can not do well with big booties 5:09 PM
Me: black and latin tend to have big cocks so a big booty ideal lol 5:10 PM
Me: i feel so intellectual now 5:10 PM
Me:5:10 PM
Julie pof nurse: So you have a big cock then? Lol 8:28 PM
Me: Send me the booty pics 8:31 PM
Julie pof nurse: On my way home 8:32 PM
Julie pof nurse: Then I will 8:32 PM
Me: 8:32 PM
Julie pof nurse: Best I can do right now 8:44 PM
Me: Boner time 8:45 PM
Me: 8:45 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol , sorry can’t see it very good 8:46 PM
Julie pof nurse: What are you doing? 8:52 PM
Me: Looking at your picture and fapping furiously 8:53 PM
Me: 8:53 PM
Julie pof nurse: What?! 8:54 PM
Me: Supermarket 8:55 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 8:56 PMJulie pof nurse: “Adorn” by Miguel banger 9:48 AM
Me: English please 9:49 AM
Me: 9:49 AM
Julie pof nurse: It’s a good song lol , just came on Pandora. What kind of music do you like? 9:50 AM
Me: MMS Sent 9:50 AM
Me: I like everything 9:51 AM
Julie pof nurse: Is that today? 9:51 AM
Me: Going to work si 9:52 AM
Julie pof nurse: So hot 9:52 AM
Me:9:53 AM
Julie pof nurse: Have a good day 9:58 AM
Me: You 3 text u later 10:00 AM
Julie pof nurse: K baby 10:01 AM
Me: awww 4:48 PM
Me: blushing 4:48 PM
Me:4:48 PM
Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdxL2IyTfPc 4:51 PM
Julie pof nurse: Good song right, sexy song4:53 PM
Me: yessssssssssssssssss 4:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 4:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: How was work? 4:57 PM
Me: good always 4:57 PM
Julie pof nurse: Good4:58 PM
Me: can’t wait to see you saturday 5:00 PM
Me:5:00 PM
Julie pof nurse: I know! I’m very anxious to finally meet you 5:02 PM
Me:5:04 PM
Me: i am going to ruin it for everybody else5:05 PM
Julie pof nurse:5:05 PM
Julie pof nurse: How so? 5:05 PM
Me: well the bar is low 5:10 PM
Me: lol 5:10 PM
Me: do not take you to a dumpster 5:10 PM
Me: and do not pull out my dick 5:10 PM
Me: lol 5:10 PM
Me: but seriously you will have a good time 5:11 PM
Julie pof nurse: You make me smile5:12 PM
Me: really tell me more… 5:13 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol stop. 5:13 PM
Me: i can’t stop thinking of you 5:14 PM
Me: as a matter of fact something very interdesting happend! 5:14 PM
Me: i was thinking of you and my beloved pipi woke up…. 5:14 PM
Me: now is hungry 5:14 PM
Me:5:15 PM
Julie pof nurse: Haha 5:15 PM
Me: would you help me feed him 5:15 PM
Me:5:15 PM
Julie pof nurse: Mmm 5:16 PM
Julie pof nurse: Maybe 5:19 PM
Me: good answer 5:19 PM
Me:5:19 PM
Me: you know i am just joking, what are you doing anyways besides thinking of me and smiling? 5:20 PM
Julie pof nurse: I am getting ready to go meet with my sponsor which in recovery that’s a “life coach” . And then meditate on the beach. And then come home and think about you5:22 PM
Julie pof nurse: What are you doing tonight? 5:22 PM
Me: gymnastics 5:23 PM
Me: then think of you as well 5:23 PM
Me: looking at your pics 5:24 PM
Me: then do slap worthy things5:24 PM
Me: so i can sleep like a baby 5:24 PM
Me: ups 5:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: Aww! I think your full of shit. But it sounds nice 5:24 PM
Me: is call flirting nurse julie 5:25 PM
Me: lol 5:25 PM
Me: muahazzzzzzz 5:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: What? 5:26 PM
Me: i said is called flirting 5:34 PM
Me: you say is called “full of shit”5:34 PM
Me: note to self: nurse julie does not know how to flirt5:34 PM
Julie pof nurse: I know how to flirt!! 5:36 PM
Julie pof nurse: I wish you lived closer5:39 PM
Me: it does not matter if i live closer i am usually very busy 5:43 PM
Me: during the week 5:43 PM
Julie pof nurse: Gotcha 5:57 PM
Julie pof nurse: Text me later if you want 6:48 PM
Me: Nurse Julie! 12:13 PM
Julie pof nurse: Latin Lover! 12:28 PM
Me: i am on ebay buying a time machine to make it Saturday already12:29 PM
Me: booom 12:29 PM
Me: see how romantic i can be 12:29 PM
Julie pof nurse: Aww 12:32 PM
Julie pof nurse: I hope your not disappointed lol 12:32 PM
Julie pof nurse: I know you won’t be though 12:34 PM
Me: why would i 12:37 PM
Me: as long as you don’t take me to a dumpster and pull out one of your tits will be fine 12:37 PM
Me:12:37 PM
Julie pof nurse: I won’t 12:42 PM
Julie pof nurse: What kind of cologne do you wear usually? 12:49 PM
Me: i have many 1:49 PM
Me: Jean Paul Gaultier 1:51 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 2:07 PM
Me: thallium 2:08 PM
Me: too 2:08 PM
Julie pof nurse: I don’t know that one 2:24 PM
Me: i get a lot of complements on that one 2:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: Mmm. I’m sure you smell very good 2:25 PM
Me: yeah i am big on hygines 2:26 PM
Me: do my nails, eybrows, shave etc… 2:26 PM
Julie pof nurse: So am I 2:26 PM
Me: good 2:26 PM
Me: i know you are a nurse 2:26 PM
Me: lol 2:26 PM
Me: are you shaven 2:26 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol you sound like my ex he did all that 2:27 PM
Julie pof nurse: Of course! 2:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: I hate hair 2:28 PM
Me: proof or it did not happen 2:28 PM
Me:2:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: What with him? 2:28 PM
Me: nah about you being shaven proof or it did not happen 2:29 PM
Me:2:29 PM
Julie pof nurse: Oh me?! Umm no 2:30 PM
Julie pof nurse: I don’t send those type of pics 2:30 PM
Me: i did not ask 2:30 PM
Me: lol 2:30 PM
Me: i am busting your balls, boba 2:30 PM
Me: what are you doing 2:30 PM
Me: when you are going back 2:30 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol ok 2:31 PM
Julie pof nurse: What’s boba? 2:31 PM
Me: silly in spanish 2:31 PM
Julie pof nurse: To NY? 2:32 PM
Me: yes to Ny mama 2:34 PM
Me: where else 2:34 PM
Julie pof nurse: Depends on a lot of things .why? 2:36 PM
Me: just wondering 2:42 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m trying to get my Florida nursing license. And would have to be able to have my kids part of the time, otherwise I’ll probably stay 6 mo-yr 2:44 PM
Me: ok cool 2:45 PM
Me: which one rn or the lpn one 2:45 PM
Me: pretty hard to pass 2:45 PM
Me: my ex did not pass in 10 years faceplam 2:46 PM
Me: *facepalm 2:46 PM
Julie pof nurse: I already passed my LPN. I can work here. I’m in school for my nurse practitioner 2:47 PM
Me: that is good mama 2:57 PM
Me: the rn is harder 2:57 PM
Me: i need a cathador2:57 PM
Me: or whatever is called 2:58 PM
Julie pof nurse: A catheter and no you don’t lol 2:58 PM
Me: i need you to be my nurse and put my catheter 2:59 PM
Me: or i report you to the nursing board 2:59 PM
Me:2:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: How long ago did you break up? 2:59 PM
Me: i plead the 5ht 2:59 PM
Me:2:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol ok! I’ll bring one with me 3:00 PM
Me: over 6 months i am horrible keeping count 3:00 PM
Me: you are my nurse 3:00 PM
Julie pof nurse: You know usually men who date a nurse continue to date nurses 3:00 PM
Me: i date nurses and teachers 3:01 PM
Me: a lot 3:01 PM
Me: cause most girls in West palm are nurses or teachers 3:01 PM
Me: lol 3:01 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes 3:01 PM
Me: and they are both super sexual 3:01 PM
Me: due to the stress of their professions 3:02 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 3:02 PM
Me: so they look for an alpha domininat man 3:02 PM
Me: aka me 3:02 PM
Me: even when i meet a girl i guestimate and they like it 3:02 PM
Me: i go hi am felipe i had to come say hi see if your looks match your personality 3:02 PM
Me: then i go, let me guess you are a nurse right 3:03 PM
Me: they go “omg how did you know” 3:03 PM
Me:3:03 PM
Julie pof nurse: That’s VERY accurate 3:03 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m very submissive in bed, but not other than that 3:05 PM
Me: i just don’t like dudes, women now a days to masculine is a turn off 3:06 PM
Me: but even if they are masculine around me they become feminine 3:06 PM
Julie pof nurse: Haha 3:06 PM
Julie pof nurse: Your so smooth! Lol 3:07 PM
Me: and if not a rough them up a bit 3:07 PM
Me: and make them call me daddy 3:07 PM
Me: wink 3:07 PM
Me: what are you doing? 3:09 PM
Julie pof nurse: Omg! I wanna experience that! I’m not masculine at all , I am a princess 3:10 PM
Julie pof nurse: Nothing why? 3:11 PM
Me: cause i want you right now really bad 3:16 PM
Me: i get really horny just texting you 3:16 PM
Me:3:16 PM
Julie pof nurse: I feel the same way , I’m very attracted to you 3:17 PM
Me: aww… so you do know how to flirt 3:19 PM
Me: lol 3:19 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol yes! 3:19 PM
Me: i was getting worried for a second 3:19 PM
Julie pof nurse: I haven’t had sex since I broke up with my bf 3:20 PM
Me: really 3:20 PM
Me: gonna make you suffer them 3:20 PM
Me: gonna make you want me sooooooooooo bad 3:20 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes 3:20 PM
Me: gonna tease you 3:20 PM
Me: i am gonna make you sooooooooooooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet 3:21 PM
Me: lick you really good 3:21 PM
Me: and before you cum gonna stop 3:21 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 3:21 PM
Julie pof nurse: I already do 3:21 PM
Me: cause i just don’t want you to cum 3:21 PM
Me: i want you to really cum super hard 3:22 PM
Me: have you ever had 2 cocks??? 3:22 PM
Julie pof nurse: You are killing me 3:23 PM
Me: that is not an answer 3:23 PM
Me: daddy wants an answer 3:23 PM
Julie pof nurse: Why do you ask that? 3:24 PM
Me: cause daddy wants to know, you probably have 3:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes 3:24 PM
Me: which is hot 3:24 PM
Me: daddy knows his nurses 3:25 PM
Me: i want you to tell me as i am inside of you, it turns me on 3:25 PM
Me: *all about it 3:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: We will see 3:26 PM
Me: lol 3:26 PM
Me: note to self: nurse julie does not want to open up 3:26 PM
Me: cause of the creeper 3:27 PM
Me: please don’t confuse me with the creeper please 3:27 PM
Julie pof nurse: Lol 3:27 PM
Me: i got you though 3:27 PM
Me: you open up with the creeper 3:27 PM
Me: and now you think if you open up to me 3:28 PM
Me: you will get similar experience 3:28 PM
Me: but trust me YOU WON’T 3:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m trying not to 3:28 PM
Me: I guaranteeeeee it 3:28 PM
Me: there is a difference between psyco, creeper and a sexually open person 3:29 PM
Me: i told you yesterday 3:29 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes 3:29 PM
Me: a sexually open person is someone that wants the girls to FEEL SAFE, COMFORTABLE, NO JUDGE 3:29 PM
Me: is not pushy and has 0 expectations 3:29 PM
Me: his goal is sexual blist 3:29 PM
Me: the creeper/psycho is someone that does not understand women and women psychology 3:30 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok well hopefully not. 3:30 PM
Julie pof nurse: I know that 3:30 PM
Me: if a girl open up to them they see it as a green light to push themselves on to them 3:30 PM
Me: that is not me, geeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 3:30 PM
Julie pof nurse: I am extremely sexual 3:30 PM
Me: I know 3:31 PM
Me: you are 3:31 PM
Julie pof nurse: Too much 3:31 PM
Me: but you are holding back 3:31 PM
Me: and i can feel it 3:31 PM
Me: due to that creeper 3:31 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 3:31 PM
Me: don’t ok me 3:32 PM
Me: ok = whatever 3:32 PM
Me: lol 3:32 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok. I trust you 3:33 PM
Me: i don’t like that 3:35 PM
Me: tell me you trust daddy 3:35 PM
Me:3:35 PM
Julie pof nurse: You have no idea lol 3:37 PM
Me: i am waiting 3:37 PM
Me:3:38 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m sorry daddy 3:38 PM
Me: good girl i like that 3:38 PM
Julie pof nurse: Mmmm 3:40 PM
Julie pof nurse: I need to see you 3:40 PM
Me: nah i think you are all talk 3:40 PM
Me: you say you are very sexual yet, you are all shy 3:41 PM
Me: like a catholic middle schooler 3:41 PM
Julie pof nurse: You are good, act all nice , now going in for the kill. 3:42 PM
Me: i don’t act 3:42 PM
Me: i am me 3:43 PM
Me: nothing i do is an act 3:43 PM
Julie pof nurse: Nurses aren’t stupid 3:43 PM
Me: i am real 0 to 100 3:43 PM
Me: well i disagree based on your last statement 3:43 PM
Me: can’t believe you question my realness 3:43 PM
Me: i shall punish you little girl 3:44 PM
Me:3:44 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 3:44 PM
Me: what did i tell you about ok = whatever 3:44 PM
Me:3:44 PM
Julie pof nurse: Good 3:45 PM
Me: Nurse julieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 3:46 PM
Me: where is my catheder lol 3:46 PM
Julie pof nurse: You turned me on so much I just masturbated 3:47 PM
Julie pof nurse: Get me tomorrow instead of Saturday or both 3:47 PM
Me: i wish 3:48 PM
Me: but i can’t 3:48 PM
Me: your carfeuwwwwwwwwwwwww 3:48 PM
Me: is too early 3:48 PM
Me: i hope you are know that i am flirting and you don’t get creeped out by the sex talk 3:49 PM
Julie pof nurse: What baby?! 3:49 PM
Me: *i hope you know 3:49 PM
Me: i wish you never had gone out with the creeper 3:50 PM
Julie pof nurse: I have it 3:50 PM
Me: what does that mean i have it 3:50 PM
Julie pof nurse: Is 12 3:51 PM
Julie pof nurse: Alright 3:51 PM
Julie pof nurse: I know 3:52 PM
Julie pof nurse: You don’t have to stop lol 3:53 PM
Me: you can’t handle it 3:53 PM
Me: you refuse to tell me you have multiple cocks 3:53 PM
Me: wich makes me soooooooooooooo sad 3:53 PM
Me: i want to cum too 3:53 PM
Me:3:54 PM
Me: that is soooooooooooooooooooo hot 3:54 PM
Julie pof nurse: I told you I did 3:54 PM
Me: have you been with a girl/girls too 3:55 PM
Me: ? 3:55 PM
Julie pof nurse: And I loved it 3:55 PM
Me: nah you went “nurse are not stupid blah blah” 3:55 PM
Me: my dick went from hard rock to limp 3:55 PM
Julie pof nurse: I used to do it for my bf 3:55 PM
Me:3:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes 3:56 PM
Me: oh man that is hot 3:56 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’ll do anything for my man. I told you I’m submissive 4:01 PM
Me: ok 4:02 PM
Julie pof nurse: So basically you just said “whatever “ to me4:11 PM
Me: ye[ 4:12 PM
Me: si 4:12 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 4:12 PM
Me: hahahahaha 4:12 PM
Me: so tell me about yourself other that sex 4:13 PM
Me: how you fall so bad that had to come down here for rehab 4:14 PM
Julie pof nurse: Just ask me 4:14 PM
Me: i just did 4:14 PM
Julie pof nurse: Because I got really addicted to pain pills when my kids father and I split up 2 yrs ago. We were together 16 yrs 4:16 PM
Julie pof nurse: I really wanted us to stay together as a family 4:16 PM
Julie pof nurse: Plus my dad passed away 4:17 PM
Julie pof nurse: I wanted the best orehab and it’s in Florida so I came 4:18 PM
Me: Oh how sad! 4:20 PM
Julie pof nurse: Stop 4:26 PM
Me: ? 4:26 PM
Me: stop what 4:26 PM
Julie pof nurse: I didn’t say it for you to feel bad 4:26 PM
Me: i know 4:26 PM
Julie pof nurse: What else do you want to know? 4:26 PM
Me: give me a few please, with a client 4:27 PM
Julie pof nurse: ? 4:27 PM
Julie pof nurse: What are you doing later like after 9? 4:29 PM
Julie pof nurse: Text me when you can 4:31 PM
Me: gym 4:35 PM
Julie pof nurse: Well… later I want to talk more about sex because now you have gotten me extremely horny!! 4:37 PM
Me: go ahead the floor is yours 4:37 PM
Julie pof nurse: I was with another girl twice and I loved it. I want to do it again. 4:42 PM
Me: awesome, i can make that happen wink 4:43 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok not Saturday though I want to focus on you 4:44 PM
Me: of course no 4:46 PM
Me: omg 4:46 PM
Me: who do you think you are talking too 4:46 PM
Me: face palm* 4:47 PM
Me: stop confusing me with the creeper 4:47 PM
Julie pof nurse: Good 4:47 PM
Me: i understand women 4:47 PM
Me: and i know that would not be appropriate 4:47 PM
Me: i know you are used to guys that don’t get you 4:47 PM
Me: or pretend to get you then disspointment, but i got you 4:47 PM
Me: trust me .000000001% 4:48 PM
Me: comments like that make me feel like i am clueless 4:48 PM
Me: and don’t know what i am doing 4:48 PM
Me:4:48 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m sorry 4:54 PM
Me: ok good, is a bit kind of insolting that you think i do not have the common sense not to bring or persue a 3 some the first time meeting you, lol 4:55 PM
Me: *insulting 4:55 PM
Julie pof nurse: I know I’m sorry 4:57 PM
Me: how you are going to make it up to me 4:57 PM
Me: ? 4:57 PM
Me: i want details 4:57 PM
Me: sorry not enough 4:57 PM
Me:4:57 PM
Julie pof nurse: Do you like blowjobs? Lol 4:58 PM
Me: no i hate them 4:58 PM
Me: of course i do 4:58 PM
Me: again waiting for you to expalin how you are making it up to me 4:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: Haha 4:59 PM
Me:4:59 PM
Me: —————>still waiting 4:59 PM
Julie pof nurse: I love them 4:59 PM
Me: ————————————>still waiting 5:00 PM
Me:5:00 PM
Julie pof nurse: I will push you down on the bed and take your pants off and start at your balls slowly work my way to your big throbbing cock, then I will gag myself with it until I taste your cum 5:03 PM
Me: wowow! that was hot 5:06 PM
Me: apology accepted 5:06 PM
Me: doubt you will able to gag my cock is really big 5:06 PM
Me: but a+ for effort 5:06 PM
Me:5:06 PM
Julie pof nurse: Mmmm make me then 5:07 PM
Me: maybe only after i lick you and tease you, i need you to be really really really wet, in order for me to let you suck my cock before filling your pussy with it… 5:09 PM
Me: i bet you are really wet right now 5:09 PM
Julie pof nurse: 5:09 PM
Me: don’t lie to daddy 5:09 PM
Me: too bad i am going to make you wait 5:10 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes I am! I’m freaking shaking! 5:12 PM
Me: Good girl i love you being wet for me true desire, the excitement and anticipation make it even better…. 5:13 PM
Me: put a finger and tell me how wet you are… my dick is hitting my desk through the pants right now 5:14 PM
Me: i am about to explode 5:14 PM
Julie pof nurse: I am dripping wet daddy 5:15 PM
Me: good girl 5:18 PM
Me: not only are you sexually free and open, but you also have a great personality 5:18 PM
Me: i am glad i met you 5:18 PM
Me: remember you did not want to meet me after the creeper lol 5:18 PM
Me: look how i turn it around 5:18 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ty. So are you 5:19 PM
Me: see why i get paid the big bucks in biz 5:19 PM
Me: lol 5:19 PM
Julie pof nurse: Yes but something keep telling me I should meet you 5:19 PM
Me: i actually was not gonna meet you either after sunday lol 5:20 PM
Me: glad you also turn me around 5:20 PM
Me:5:20 PM
Julie pof nurse: How did I? 5:21 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m just worried you are telling me what I want to hear because of your work5:22 PM
Me: well you will be able to tell in person 5:23 PM
Me:5:23 PM
Me: you can not fake body language 5:23 PM
Me: remember the creeper he was faking it 5:23 PM
Me: you found out in 2 seconds 5:23 PM
Me: same with me, if i am faking (which i am not) 5:24 PM
Me: you will be able to tell right away 5:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: True 5:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: No you can’t 5:24 PM
Me: intentions can not be fake 5:24 PM
Me: why you keep doubting me 5:24 PM
Me: oh well better for me, apology number 2 please 5:25 PM
Me: ———————————–> waiting 5:25 PM
Me: —————————————->waiting 5:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: Shut up! Lol 5:25 PM
Julie pof nurse: There has to be some surprises 5:25 PM
Me: your mouth is gonna be soooooooooo sore of all the apology biggies 5:26 PM
Me: bjs 5:26 PM
Me: lol 5:26 PM
Me: yeah there is gonna be a surprise 5:26 PM
Me: that i am actually the only dude in pof that is normal lol 5:26 PM
Me: the few dates i have gone women feel soooooooooooooo relieved 5:26 PM
Me: and when they show me the competition omg! so many guys with no social skills, very unatractive 5:27 PM
Me: lack of understanding women and female nature 5:27 PM
Me: they expect women to act and behave like men 5:27 PM
Me: and they all send dick pics lol 5:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: Well I’m glad your a pro at this 5:28 PM
Me: not a pro 5:29 PM
Me: just normal 5:29 PM
Me: the bar is set very low 5:29 PM
Me: lol 5:29 PM
Me: think about it, a dude picks you up takes you to a dumpster proceed to pull out his dick, gets upset when you are like wtf! and drops you off all pissed off 5:30 PM
Julie pof nurse: Well I just want you to be normal 5:30 PM
Me: that is my competition 5:30 PM
Julie pof nurse: No actually with me it’s not so be careful lol 5:30 PM
Me: what does that mean? 5:30 PM
Julie pof nurse: He’s not the only man I have ever been with before 5:31 PM
Me: i understand but i was making a point 5:31 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok 5:32 PM
Me: here we go you and your oks 5:32 PM
Julie pof nurse:5:33 PM
Julie pof nurse: You can spank me if you want 5:33 PM
Julie pof nurse: I have to go , text me later tonight 5:35 PM
Me: k mami! have fun! 5:36 PM
Julie pof nurse:8:44 PM
Me: Nurse Julie 11:34 AM
Julie pof nurse: Hey! 11:43 AM
Julie pof nurse: Busy day? 12:25 PM
Me: sorry mami 12:25 PM
Me: i am back 12:25 PM
Me: Fridays is always the busiest day for me 12:26 PM
Me: how are you doing? 12:26 PM
Julie pof nurse: It’s ok12:26 PM
Me: can’t wait to meet you tomorrow12:27 PM
Julie pof nurse: I spoke to the nursing board in NY over the phone for an hour 12:27 PM
Me: wowow 12:28 PM
Me: an hour 12:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: They are giving me my NY license back I’m so happy 12:28 PM
Me: awesome! congrats! 12:28 PM
Julie pof nurse: I wish I was doing you!!! 12:28 PM
Me: really…. tell me more 12:29 PM
Julie pof nurse: When I go back to NY they are giving me my license back so I can work as a nurse. They asked me, how I am doing, and if my kids were ok etc 12:31 PM
Me: lol, i said tell me more about “you doing me” and you thought tell me more about my liscense 12:32 PM
Me: facepalm 12:32 PM
Me: you do not know my priorities lol 12:33 PM
Me: anyways that is pretty good it would be sweet if they would allow you to use your ny liscense in florida like we do in Real estate 12:33 PM
Me: some states have agreements were they let you use license if you take a silly 10 question test or such. 12:34 PM
Julie pof nurse: Haha I wondered why you cared to know more about that! Lol 12:34 PM
Julie pof nurse: Actually I would prefer you doing me 12:35 PM
Me: uhmmmm i wish 12:35 PM
Me:12:35 PM
Julie pof nurse:12:41 PM
Me: you get me really horny at work not cool 12:42 PM
Me: :-9 12:42 PM
Me:12:42 PM
Me: but i like it makes me want you more 12:42 PM
Julie pof nurse: Good. 12:44 PM
Julie pof nurse: So your getting me around 6? 1:42 PM
Me: not around at 6 1:42 PM
Julie pof nurse: Omg lol 1:43 PM
Me: brb mami 1:43 PM
Me: my nurse where are you 3:55 PM
Me: where is my cathedor 3:55 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’ll put it in whenever your ready for me 3:57 PM
Me: awww! you always say the right things 4:17 PM
Me: sorry mami, crazy today 4:17 PM
Julie pof nurse: It’s ok. 4:18 PM
Julie pof nurse: Teacher or nurse tonight? 4:19 PM
Me: you are the only nurse i got 4:19 PM
Me: and you got everything i want i need 4:19 PM
Me: boom 4:19 PM
Julie pof nurse: I’m all you need 4:20 PM
Me: maybe lol 4:20 PM
Julie pof nurse: The reason I asked about tonight is because I want you to save all your cum for me!! 4:21 PM
Julie pof nurse: I was joking 4:21 PM
Me: i know i am gonna save it all for you mami 4:21 PM
Me: where do you want me to cum 4:21 PM
Julie pof nurse: Mmmm 4:21 PM
Julie pof nurse: I don’t know if I should tell you 4:22 PM
Me: i think you should 4:22 PM
Me: i don’t want to cum in the wrong place you know 4:23 PMI Fucked the shit out of her for couple of hours, she came 6 times, a squirter… her thank you text:
Julie pof nurse: Just woke up and I’m laying in bed wishing your cock was deep inside me
8:54 AM
Me: Lol good way to wake up thanks for yesterday it was great 2:24 PM
Me: 2:24 PM
Julie pof nurse: Np 2:31 PMJulie pof nurse: Thank you! But now I want more because it was sooo good. 2:32 PM
Me: My email 2:32 PM
Me: 2:32 PM
Julie pof nurse: Ok but your going to have to show me in person how to do it 2:34 PM
Me: Kkk 2:35 PM
Julie pof nurse: Are you working? 2:36 PM
Me: Kind off about to get something to eat 2:38 PM
Julie pof nurse: Nice 2:42 PM
Me: 2:42 PM
Julie pof nurse: 2:48 PM
Julie pof nurse: You should come get me 2:48 PM
Julie pof nurse: Don’t worry just joking I know you can’t 2:57 PMOut!
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