Took a break to take care of finances, job, money, career etc… (Thanks for asking, did an AMAZING job in just couple of months). New business, already quadrupling the earnings, new car, new gorgeous minimalist apartment, 0 debt and the best shape of my life. During the time, got a girlfriend, so I can focus on those things instead of chasing tail. The girlfriend experiment was a disaster, did fixer upper, she went up at least 2 points in a matter of months.(Best and fastest fixer upper job so far). Girl had an amazing heart, she thought I was the hottest dude in the world, that in itself turned out to cause many many problems….
Biggest mistake I made in this relationship was fucking up the EARLY FRAME, instead of her adapting to my early frame, I managed to fucked that up big time, the reason was, I was distracted focusing on career and new businesses. To make a long story short, the girl had entitlement issues and control problems, she wanted to tame a wild horse, unable to do that, she went from 0-100 in the drama department. But I have 0 to minimal tolerance for drama. Anyways, Chase basically explained the dynamics of exactly what happened, here:
“Now, how about for the untamed man?
Well, the untamed man has a relatively shorter relationship progression cycle. His goes like this:
Beginning (blissful) Taming attempts (annoying)
End (relieving)
His is so much shorter because once the woman starts trying to tame him, he gets annoyed at the constant drama, and, typically, ends the relationship himself without the problems tamed men encounter.
However, the untamed man can also struggle through the taming attempts, resisting them and countering them, and eventually he ends up encountering the same cold withdrawal-style behavior when his girlfriend realizes she can’t get what she wants from him, though for different reasons.
Women get cold as they bore of the tamed man and resent him for relinquishing his ability to attract them, but they enter auto-rejection with untamed men for being unable to get the kind of capitulation they were working for.”
^ Chase described what happened and why I had some problems with this girl, with my ex of 10 years was way better, cause she let me be, till the end when she started the taming attempts. So it took this girl 8 months, my ex took 10 years, so you can imagined how annoyed the last main got me….
Therefore, I was super relieved getting rid of the last main…. Anyways, back to the return of skills.
Friday night go to the clubs, the first fuck my life moment was when i noticed that they closed one of my favorite clubs “Hookah nightclub”. So that presented a logistical problem to my method and technique of club hopping.
Second problem, I encountered is that they changed all of my doormen, promoters and bouncers, fuck my life times 10. Of course I never pay for cover, I managed to get in for free using the methods I described here.
Third problem, they changed all of my djs, the new djs were all over the place and they were playing music I never heard before, and that caused tons of problems with my mechanics and dance moves.
Fourth problem, MY GAME reflexes were off, okay imagine that you have not play a particular sport, or you took a vacation from your job or you re playing a video game where you were good at a while back, I am sure your reaction and your reflexes were off. I had problems in my verbal delivery, escalation and flow of interactions. (1 g instead of 4 g)
Fifth problem, I have become super picky in my sexual desire, though I went out with low expectations and goals, in other words all I wanted was to hang out and no hook up with anybody. Some women were drooling all over me, to the point were I kind of felt uncomfortable with their advances, but I chose not to pull cause they were not exactly my ideal. I am working on a blog were I am going to cover why I believe that is, coming up soon.
Sixth problem, out of clubbing shape. Though I am physically more in shape than before, my energy levels were lower, this is due to me not clubbing for such a long time.
Anyways, here is a mini review:
Went to the first club in my rotation, went to the bathroom to make sure that my appearance was A+, some dude was acting up trying to look for trouble and picking on the bathroom clerk, I jumped in and told him to chill, the dude tried to pick a fight with me.
If he would have met me couple of months ago he would have been in the hospital as I am typing, but I decided to try a different strategy and game the dude. Pretty much I agreed with whatever he was saying to provoke me, and I told him, dude don’t worry about it! I got you! and gave the bathroom clerk a dollar (the fight was cause the dude was using the bathroom stuff without tipping). The dude proceeded to shake my hand and go on his way. This worked in my advantage, a fight so soon in a club were I am pretty much starting over, would not be wise, since it would fuck up my reputation. Moreover, this would have fucked up with my emotional party state into an angry state.
As soon as I hit the dance floor I saw a girl dtf, but she was not my type, so I did not pursue, though she gave me tons of proximity and every none verbal opportunity to approach.
My dance moves were a bit off, I felt a bit mechanic and in my head, but who cares, still my moves are way above average, and I was still the best dancer in the club.
Saw a blonde, approached from the front, within minutes had her tongue down my throat, but I threw her to some other dude, and ejected, not hot enough for my taste, about a 7, my new standards are nothing below a solid 8. Remember a 7 in South Florida is pretty much a 9 everywhere else in the states, unless California.
Went to another club, and approached a solid 9 about 18-21 years old, had to be the hottest girl in the club. The logistics were perfect, her friend was dancing with another dude, and she was the 3rd wheel. I got within distance and forced her to look at me by way of strong presence and dancing. Now, here is were it gets interesting, this is a NEW CLUB SHIT TEST, which is a brand new insight, as I approached, she blocked me by MAKING OUT WITH HER FEMALE FRIEND! to which I REMAIN ICED, UNFAZED, like nothing was happening, and I kept dancing while ignoring = me passing the shit test! haha! Once I passed that shit test, she gave me an approach invites again and I proceeded to open her and escalate. But, again and I will promise a blog talking about this issue, I have totally lost my raw sexual desire for Younger than 24 women, fuck my life times 5.
Went to a final club, were I met a seducer:
seducer:”yo! oh shit! are you skills?”
me:”yes, how do you know?”
seducer:I heard about you, from a dude you helped, but he does not listen, wtf! is up with him, he show me your book, seducers say to avoid the dance floor that is a trap, fuck that, I love the dance floor. Lets hang, look at that group of girls what do i do.
me: wait, don’t go in yet, wait for a distraction.
at this point: Some dude open one of the girls
me: go in now
Seducer: went in and danced with the girl
me: Job done, ejected, i game solo.
Fuck my life! and problem number seven, the skills pick up corner, were I strategically place myself after the clubs, to do street game, was taken by a bunch of thugs.
I saw an old lady with a pit, that looked like my old dog(rip) and just chilled with the old lady and the dog.
I had a great time, so my fist weekend out:
Goal: Go out and relax (not looking to pull)
-2 make outs (hb7 and hb 8)
-1 phone number (hb 8)
-1 rejection (girl with boyfriend and he was present)
-met new seducer (may make him my future wing)
-1 met an old lady with a dog
-1 got in free in 3 clubs.
-dance and hooked an hb 9 and an hb 7 (could have fucked the 7 but meh)
Had a great time, though confusing! Out!
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