I quote in my book, posts and in my blog tons of good seducers, why? Cause I do not have a big ego, I put your getting good with women over my originality. This post by a guru named corvette aka Illuminatus is one of the best posts I have ever read and will make a difference in your seductions right away plus it totally matches my 20 plus year experience. When I approach strangers, I am always trying to force or identify what we call “approach invites”. I went out with a community dude that was amazed how every girl I open was into me, though I did not close that night due to the dude wanted to go home early. Now, if there are no approach invites present which it will be the case most of the time specially with hot women that have learned through the years to hide the signs well, what I will do is to force approach invites by way of proximity, eye contact, smirk, hand signal, hoovering, dancing etc… For all of you guys that read my blog over analyse and mentally masturbate, I got you covered. Skills, but what if there is not approach invites or what if she is not receptive or giving me anything to work on, wtf do I do? good question, and I got you, here is the answer, any absence of fuck off body language in my opinion should be considered and approach invite. So lets say I am dancing and there is a cutie dancing with her friends, and she is not looking at me or giving me anything to work on, what I will do is try to open her lets say by way of dancing coming from the front (always approach from the front, never from the back) anyways, if she does not hugh her friend(rescue mechanism), slow or stop the dance, look at me with disgust in her face or move away. I will consider that as a welcome body language as oppose to as a fuck off body language, get me?. The more experience you get the more you will be able to master approach invites and body language. Approach invites and body language are THE KEY TO NATURAL GAME, that combined with being ballsy/confident/fearless and lack of neediness is what will make you good, given that you are above average in looks and style. Finally, here is Corvette aka Illuminatus on Approach invites aka overextensions:
Women do become sexually aroused by the presence of a guy who either subcommunicates alpha traits or just looks good to her in some way. It happens in microseconds, just the same as it does in men when they see a woman they like. None of this “men are like a lightswitch; women are like a fader knob” shit – they are pretty much the same as us.
As your social acuity improves, you will see in real time that she is affected by your presence. Examples:
-Two girls are talking. You walk past, and suddenly one of their voices gets louder, and stops sounding natural. Sometimes this is followed by nervous laughter to cover it up.
-You walk up to the bar and suddenly girl starts fumbling with menu.
-Out of the corner of your eye you can see that the girl’s gestures have become more pronounced and unnatural, as though self-conscious.
-Any situation where her behaviour suddenly becomes less natural and more pronounced as a result of your arrival. We assume it’s sexual arousal because a) ALL interactions between men and women are sexual by nature, and b) If it’s a low-value male with weak body language he will not affect her and her behaviour will not change, implying that she is subconsciously screening for sexual traits.I call all of these overexertions because her body language and behaviours become more pronounced, and she “exerts” herself more for your benefit.
The previous behaviours occur when her being affected has just entered her awareness. When it has been in her awareness a bit longer, she may begin doing things like:
-If she noticed you earlier, she will suddenly appear next to you at the bar. C’mon, we have all had that happen at some point – a girl you know saw you suddenly appears next to you wherever you are.
-She may create a subtle situation for you to open her with, e.g. taking an inordinate amount of time choosing songs on the jukebox etc.
-Not so subtle situations, such as knocking into you at the bar.
-If she is particularly ballsy or just plain drunk, this could go to a full blown AI such as sitting on your lap, pinching your arse etc. These are rare but they do happen. Like I say, alcohol often plays a role here.What I am trying to get you to think about here is that even if you don’t consider yourself attractive, you will have SOME of these overexertions coming your way from SOME girls who just like your look or who aren’t used to screening men very hard for alpha traits. Focusing on these girls will increase your lay rate considerably.
Girls who are not used to screening, who you will see more of these overexertions from, include: fatties and less hot girls who don’t get a lot of male attention, and YOUNGER girls who are inexperienced with men. This latter category is cool because many of them are very hot and simply haven’t yet learnt the art of a) Screening for alphas and b) Hiding their sexual arousal.
Knowing how to spot overexertions is entirely how naturals get laid.
From what I’ve seen, a natural’s cold approach goes down one of two ways:
1) They subcommunicate alphaness ON PURPOSE to the girl, in the form of a smile, wink, or cheeky comment. Typically they do NOT “plough on” with the pickup, but will wait for her to respond so they know if it’s on or not. Naturals rarely waste time on a dead target as they tend to know from the start whether it’s going to work out.
2) They spot an overexertion and capitalize on it. If she’s fumbling with the menu, he could say “choose that one there”. One that I made up is if the girl “accidentally” knocks into me at the bar, I turn around and say “Why don’t you just rape me
” which has worked great for me.
Because the girl did the overexertion, no matter how subtle, she knows she is in some way responsible for the interaction, and is therefore MUCH more likely to continue through to the end. There is a sense of investment, and that she’s used her “wily girl ways” to get your attention.
A natural getting laid usually results from early interest from the woman, and nearly always goes down in this fashion. Most of the man’s game is about escalating properly and not fucking it up at this point.
Overexertions should be treated as IOIs.
The reason I’ve called them overexertions in this post is because “indicator of interest” may be misleading to a newb.
If you’re inexperienced and looking for IOIs, you might tend to look for the really obvious ones, like her twiddling her hair etc.
What I’m saying is that IOIs occur on a spectrum from overexertions at the very bottom to approach invitations and statements of intent at the very top.
If you only focus on the obvious, you will miss the little overexertions at the bottom of the scale, and potentially fail to spot MANY girls who like you already.
Naturals get laid by chatting the girls they think already like them. They pick up on the girls who show them interest, and even if it’s only 1%, they will go with those girls.
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