I know I sound like a total idiot, hypocrite, politician, no credibility asshole… But, hey! You can call me whatever you want, situations and conditions, climate and society are not static…. Trust me, I totally feel like a dumb fuck after all the posts I made on what works, what does not work and style of game adjustments.
But guys I was being 100% honest so were all the other seducers that were complaining about night game…. See just like AOL died, just like my space died…. Finally, thanks the lord! Tinder and all the stupid dating apps are finally dying… Women are getting sick of them here are some stats that reflect that women are getting sick of tinder, you are more than welcome to talk to your female friends as well.
Here is a seducer explaining what is happening as well in this chase blog article. Even dance floor game is coming back I am doing very well, thanks for asking… So little by little things are getting back to normal out of this fucking nightmare.
A big thank you to all the former mains, that gave me ultimatums, broke up with me and the likes.… While you are missing my cock, and dealing with boring ass beta ordinary dudes that dry your pussy (my ex main of 10 years just broke up with his beta ex, no surprise there). My cock is being distributed to hotter and younger women. You mad? Cause you should be …
Anyway guys, you should still use dating apps and online as a back up and compliment, and focus all your efforts in cold approach pick up, learn how to seduce women LIVE, instead of relying on online, those of you that rely on online will not get the quality and hotness of women that you can get with good game in cold approach pick up.
So, lets take a look at a year ago vs now:
A year ago.- All the clubs were dying and/or closing down vs now.- Clubs are making money and women are coming out
A year ago.- Sausage fests (10 dudes per 1 women or more ratios) vs now.- More workable ratios.
A year ago.- Down to fuck women were going to tinder and dating apps. vs now.- Down to fuck women back at the clubs
A year ago.- Guys with no game that look good in pics getting laid in tinder. Vs now.-Guys that relied on online game are FUCKED.
A year ago.- Guys with game struggling in dating apps. Vs now.- Guys with game doing better than ever in clubs
A year ago.- Guys with game panicking and getting into relationships Vs now.- Guys with game do not want relationships
A year ago.- Women not putting out unless relationship was on the table Vs now.- Women are more sexually aggressive than ever
A year ago.- Women looking for monogamy vs now.-Women now want more poly style relationships
A year ago.- Seducers panicked and offer monogamy (out of scarcity) vs now.-Seducers have the pick of the litter
Niggas shit is good! this is a seducers market, exploit it….
We are fucking back!
This is awesome skills! In retrospect I’m not surprised, as in it was bound to happen. From time to time I read an article about the online world:
people are fed up with bots/escorts on apps.
people are tired of fake profiles or no substance
women are tired of all the dudes hitting them up with no social skills, betas as you put it
people are tired of who they end up seeing in person, compared to what they see in the profile
It was all really trendy for a few years but now the trend is ending.
you got it right! good news for us
duff man photo, haha.
Trends aren’t good to follow anyways. They last for a short time only. I can give many examples, too many probly.
I read the chase article after posting, its all true only the best looking guys get attention, the rest have to fight for something. Women getting huge egos from the men messaging them….
I also found it funny about girls on tinder for relationship, when it was always known as a hookup app.